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using EPAServeur.Models.Notes;
using IO.Swagger.DTO;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.OpenPgp;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace EPAServeur.IServices
public interface INoteService
public IEnumerable<AffichageNoteDTO> GetNotes(bool? asc, int? numPage, int? parPAge, string texte, string tri);
public IEnumerable<AffichageNoteDTO> GetNotesByAuteur(Guid? idAuteur, bool? asc, int? numPage, int? parPAge, string texte, string tri);
public DetailsNoteDTO GetNoteById(long? idNote);
public IEnumerable<AffichageNoteDTO> GetNotesByCollaborateur(Guid? idAuteur, Guid? idCollaborateur, bool? asc, int? numPage, int? parPAge, string texte, string tri);
public DetailsNoteDTO AjouterNote(DetailsNoteDTO nouvelleNote);
public void SupprimerNote(long? idNote);
public DetailsNoteDTO UpdateNote(long? idNote, DetailsNoteDTO note);
DetailsNoteDTO AjouterNote(DetailsNoteDTO note);
Task<DetailsNoteDTO> AjouterNoteAsync(DetailsNoteDTO note);
void SupprimerNote(long? idNote);
void SupprimerNoteAsync(long? idNote);
DetailsNoteDTO GetNoteById(long? idNote);
Task<DetailsNoteDTO> GetNoteByIdAsync(long? idNote);