You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

471 lines
17 KiB

using EPAServeur.Context;
using EPAServeur.IServices;
using EPAServeur.Services;
using IO.Swagger.ApiCollaborateur;
using IO.Swagger.DTO;
using IO.Swagger.Enum;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace EPAServeur.Tests.Services
public class EpInformationTests
private EpContext context;
private ICollaborateurService collaborateurService;
#region Setup
public void Setup()
// Utilisation d'une base de données en mémoire
var optionBuider = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<EpContext>()
context = new EpContext(optionBuider);
// Ajout du jeu de données pour les tests
// Détache les entités du context car la base de données InMemory créé des conflits
// entre les clés primaires lors d'un Update ou d'un Insert
foreach (var entity in context.ChangeTracker.Entries())
entity.State = EntityState.Detached;
collaborateurService = new CollaborateurService(new CollaborateurApi(), context);
#region Récupération des EP en cours
[TestCase(1, 3)] //Tours
[TestCase(2, 3)] //Orléans
[TestCase(3, 3)] // Paris
public async Task GetEpEnCours_UneBU(long? idBUs, int nbElements)
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPEnCours(new List<long?>{ idBUs }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, null);
int count = await epInformationService.GetEPEnCoursCount(new List<long?> { idBUs }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual(count, nbElements);
Assert.AreEqual(count, epInformationDTOs.Count());
foreach(EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
Assert.AreEqual(ep.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Id, idBUs);
public async Task GetEpEnCours_OrleansTours()
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPEnCours(new List<long?> { 1,2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, null);
int count = await epInformationService.GetEPEnCoursCount(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual(count, 8);
Assert.AreEqual(count, epInformationDTOs.Count());
long? bu;
foreach(EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
bu = ep.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Id;
Assert.IsTrue(bu == 1 || bu == 2);
//tri colonne
public async Task GetEpEnCours_TriColonneASC(string tri)
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPEnCours(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", tri, null, null);
EpInformationDTO ep1, ep2;
int compare = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < epInformationDTOs.Count()-1; ++i)
ep1 = epInformationDTOs.ElementAt(i);
ep2 = epInformationDTOs.ElementAt(i+1);
case "agence":
compare = ep1.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom.CompareTo(ep2.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom);
case "collaborateur":
compare = (ep1.Collaborateur.Nom + " " + ep1.Collaborateur.Prenom).CompareTo((ep2.Collaborateur.Nom + " " + ep2.Collaborateur.Prenom));
case "referent":
compare = (ep1.Referent.Nom + " " + ep1.Referent.Prenom).CompareTo((ep2.Referent.Nom + " " + ep2.Referent.Prenom));
case "date":
compare = ep1.DatePrevisionnelle.Value.CompareTo(ep2.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
case "typeep":
compare = ep1.Type.CompareTo(ep2.Type);
case "etatep":
compare = ep1.Statut.CompareTo(ep2.Statut);
Assert.IsTrue(compare <= 0);
//tri colonne
public async Task GetEpEnCours_TriColonneDESC(string tri)
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPEnCours(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, false, 1, 15, "", tri, null, null);
EpInformationDTO ep1, ep2;
int compare = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < epInformationDTOs.Count() - 1; ++i)
ep1 = epInformationDTOs.ElementAt(i);
ep2 = epInformationDTOs.ElementAt(i + 1);
switch (tri)
case "agence":
compare = ep1.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom.CompareTo(ep2.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom);
case "collaborateur":
compare = (ep1.Collaborateur.Nom + " " + ep1.Collaborateur.Prenom).CompareTo(ep2.Collaborateur.Nom + " " + ep2.Collaborateur.Prenom);
case "referent":
compare = (ep1.Referent.Nom + " " + ep1.Referent.Prenom).CompareTo((ep2.Referent.Nom + " " + ep2.Referent.Prenom));
case "date":
compare = ep1.DatePrevisionnelle.Value.CompareTo(ep2.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
case "typeep":
compare = ep1.Type.CompareTo(ep2.Type);
case "etatep":
compare = ep1.Statut.CompareTo(ep2.Statut);
Assert.IsTrue(compare >= 0);
//tris date
[TestCase(01, 03, 2021, 5)]
[TestCase(20, 03, 2021, 2)]
[TestCase(01, 04, 2021, 0)]
public async Task GetEpEnCours_TriDateD1(int j, int m, int a, int count)
DateTime date = new DateTime(a, m, j);
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPEnCours(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", date, null);
Assert.AreEqual(epInformationDTOs.Count(), count);
foreach(EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
Assert.IsTrue(date <= ep.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
[TestCase(01, 04, 2021, 6)]
[TestCase(15, 03, 2021, 3)]
[TestCase(1, 02, 2021, 0)]
public async Task GetEpEnCours_TriDateD2(int j, int m, int a, int count)
DateTime date = new DateTime(a, m, j); IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPEnCours(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, date);
Assert.AreEqual(epInformationDTOs.Count(), count);
foreach (EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
Assert.IsTrue(date >= ep.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
[TestCase(01, 02, 2021, 28, 02, 2021, 1)]
[TestCase(01, 02, 2021, 01, 04, 2021, 6)]
[TestCase(15, 02, 2021, 15, 03, 2021, 3)]
[TestCase(01, 01, 2021, 31, 01, 2021, 0)]
[TestCase(01, 01, 2022, 31, 01, 2022, 0)]
public async Task GetEpEnCours_TriDateD1D2(int j1, int m1, int a1, int j2, int m2, int a2, int count)
DateTime date1 = new DateTime(a1, m1, j1);
DateTime date2 = new DateTime(a2, m2, j2);
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPEnCours(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", date1, date2);
Assert.AreEqual(epInformationDTOs.Count(), count);
foreach (EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
Assert.IsTrue(condition: date1 <= ep.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
Assert.IsTrue(date2 >= ep.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
//Tri texte
[TestCase("", 6)]
[TestCase("Ma", 2)]
[TestCase("Ne", 2)]
[TestCase("nE", 2)]
[TestCase("ma", 2)]
[TestCase("D", 2)]
[TestCase("d", 2)]
public async Task GetEpEnCours_texte(string texte, int count)
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPEnCours(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, texte, "", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual(count, epInformationDTOs.Count());
foreach (EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
Assert.IsTrue((ep.Collaborateur.Nom + " " + ep.Collaborateur.Prenom).ToLower().Contains(texte.ToLower()) || (ep.Collaborateur.Prenom + " " + ep.Collaborateur.Nom).ToLower().Contains(texte.ToLower()));
#region Récupération des EP signés
[TestCase(1, 3)] //Tours
[TestCase(2, 3)] //Orléans
[TestCase(3, 3)] // Paris
public async Task GetEpSignes_UneBU(long? idBUs, int nbElements)
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPSignes(new List<long?>{ idBUs }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, null);
int count = await epInformationService.GetEPSignesCount(new List<long?> { idBUs }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual(count, nbElements);
Assert.AreEqual(count, epInformationDTOs.Count());
foreach(EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
Assert.AreEqual(ep.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Id, idBUs);
Assert.IsTrue(ep.Statut == StatutEp.Signe);
public async Task GetEpSignes_OrleansTours()
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPSignes(new List<long?> { 1,2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, null);
int count = await epInformationService.GetEPSignesCount(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual(count, 8);
Assert.AreEqual(count, epInformationDTOs.Count());
long? bu;
foreach(EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
bu = ep.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Id;
Assert.IsTrue(bu == 1 || bu == 2);
Assert.IsTrue(ep.Statut == StatutEp.Signe);
//tri colonne
public async Task GetEpSignes_TriColonneASC(string tri)
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPSignes(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", tri, null, null);
EpInformationDTO ep1, ep2;
int compare = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < epInformationDTOs.Count()-1; ++i)
ep1 = epInformationDTOs.ElementAt(i);
ep2 = epInformationDTOs.ElementAt(i+1);
case "agence":
compare = ep1.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom.CompareTo(ep2.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom);
case "collaborateur":
compare = (ep1.Collaborateur.Nom + " " + ep1.Collaborateur.Prenom).CompareTo((ep2.Collaborateur.Nom + " " + ep2.Collaborateur.Prenom));
case "referent":
compare = (ep1.Referent.Nom + " " + ep1.Referent.Prenom).CompareTo((ep2.Referent.Nom + " " + ep2.Referent.Prenom));
case "date":
compare = ep1.DatePrevisionnelle.Value.CompareTo(ep2.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
case "typeep":
compare = ep1.Type.CompareTo(ep2.Type);
Assert.IsTrue(compare <= 0);
Assert.IsTrue(ep1.Statut == StatutEp.Signe);
Assert.IsTrue(ep2.Statut == StatutEp.Signe);
//tri colonne
public async Task GetEpSignes_TriColonneDESC(string tri)
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPSignes(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, false, 1, 15, "", tri, null, null);
EpInformationDTO ep1, ep2;
int compare = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < epInformationDTOs.Count() - 1; ++i)
ep1 = epInformationDTOs.ElementAt(i);
ep2 = epInformationDTOs.ElementAt(i + 1);
switch (tri)
case "agence":
compare = ep1.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom.CompareTo(ep2.Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom);
case "collaborateur":
compare = (ep1.Collaborateur.Nom + " " + ep1.Collaborateur.Prenom).CompareTo(ep2.Collaborateur.Nom + " " + ep2.Collaborateur.Prenom);
case "referent":
compare = (ep1.Referent.Nom + " " + ep1.Referent.Prenom).CompareTo((ep2.Referent.Nom + " " + ep2.Referent.Prenom));
case "date":
compare = ep1.DatePrevisionnelle.Value.CompareTo(ep2.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
case "typeep":
compare = ep1.Type.CompareTo(ep2.Type);
case "etatep":
compare = ep1.Statut.CompareTo(ep2.Statut);
Assert.IsTrue(compare >= 0);
Assert.IsTrue(ep1.Statut == StatutEp.Signe);
Assert.IsTrue(ep2.Statut == StatutEp.Signe);
//tris date
[TestCase(01, 01, 2018, 4)]
[TestCase(01, 01, 2019, 2)]
[TestCase(01, 01, 2020, 1)]
[TestCase(01, 01, 2021, 0)]
[TestCase(01, 01, 2022, 0)]
public async Task GetEpSignes_TriDateD1(int j, int m, int a, int count)
DateTime date = new DateTime(a, m, j);
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPSignes(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", date, null);
Assert.AreEqual(epInformationDTOs.Count(), count);
foreach(EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
Assert.IsTrue(date <= ep.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
Assert.IsTrue(ep.Statut == StatutEp.Signe);
[TestCase(31, 12, 2019)]
[TestCase(01, 01, 2019)]
[TestCase(31, 07, 2018)]
[TestCase(31, 07, 2017)]
public async Task GetEpSignes_TriDateD2(int j, int m, int a)
DateTime date = new DateTime(a, m, j); IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPSignes(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, date);
int count = await epInformationService.GetEPSignesCount(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", null, date);
Assert.AreEqual(epInformationDTOs.Count(), count);
foreach (EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
Assert.IsTrue(date >= ep.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
Assert.IsTrue(ep.Statut == StatutEp.Signe);
[TestCase(01, 07, 2021, 31, 12, 2021, 0)]
[TestCase(01, 09, 2018, 01, 12, 2019, 1)]
[TestCase(01, 01, 2018, 31, 12, 2019, 3)]
[TestCase(01, 01, 2017, 31, 12, 2017, 2)]
public async Task GetEpSignes_TriDateD1D2(int j1, int m1, int a1, int j2, int m2, int a2, int count)
DateTime date1 = new DateTime(a1, m1, j1);
DateTime date2 = new DateTime(a2, m2, j2);
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPSignes(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, "", "", date1, date2);
Assert.AreEqual(epInformationDTOs.Count(), count);
foreach (EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
Assert.IsTrue(condition: date1 <= ep.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
Assert.IsTrue(date2 >= ep.DatePrevisionnelle.Value);
Assert.IsTrue(ep.Statut == StatutEp.Signe);
//Tri texte
[TestCase("", 6)]
[TestCase("Ma", 2)]
[TestCase("Ne", 2)]
[TestCase("nE", 2)]
[TestCase("D", 2)]
[TestCase("d", 2)]
public async Task GetEpSignes_texte(string texte, int count)
IEpInformationService epInformationService = new EpInformationService(context, collaborateurService);
IEnumerable<EpInformationDTO> epInformationDTOs = await epInformationService.GetEPSignes(new List<long?> { 1, 2 }, true, 1, 15, texte, "", null, null);
Assert.AreEqual(count, epInformationDTOs.Count());
foreach (EpInformationDTO ep in epInformationDTOs)
Assert.IsTrue((ep.Collaborateur.Nom + " " + ep.Collaborateur.Prenom).ToLower().Contains(texte.ToLower()) || (ep.Collaborateur.Prenom + " " + ep.Collaborateur.Nom).ToLower().Contains(texte.ToLower()));
Assert.IsTrue(ep.Statut == StatutEp.Signe);
#region méthodes privées
private bool EstEpEnCours(StatutEp statut)
return statut != StatutEp.Annule && statut != StatutEp.Cree && statut != StatutEp.Rejete && statut != StatutEp.Signe;