You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1610 lines
76 KiB

using EPAServeur.Context;
using EPAServeur.Exceptions;
using EPAServeur.IServices;
using EPAServeur.Models.EP;
using EPAServeur.Models.Formation;
using EPAServeur.Services;
using IO.Swagger.ApiCollaborateur;
using IO.Swagger.DTO;
using IO.Swagger.Enum;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace EPAServeur.Tests.Services
public class DemandeFormationServiceTests
#region Variables
private EpContext epContext;
private ICollaborateurApi collaborateurApi;
private ICollaborateurService collaborateurService;
private ITransformDTO transformDTO;
#region Setup
public void Setup()
// Utilisation d'une base de donn<EFBFBD>es en m<EFBFBD>moire
var optionBuider = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<EpContext>()
epContext = new EpContext(optionBuider);
collaborateurApi = new CollaborateurApi();
transformDTO = new TransformDTO();
collaborateurService = new CollaborateurService(collaborateurApi, epContext, transformDTO);
// Ajout du jeu de donn<EFBFBD>es pour les tests
// D<EFBFBD>tache les entit<EFBFBD>s du context car la base de donn<EFBFBD>es InMemory cr<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> des conflits
// entre les cl<EFBFBD>s primaires lors d'un Update ou d'un Insert
foreach (var entity in epContext.ChangeTracker.Entries())
entity.State = EntityState.Detached;
#region Tests GetDemandesFormationAsync
[TestCase(new EtatDemande[] { EtatDemande.EnAttente, EtatDemande.Validee, EtatDemande.Rejetee }, new long[] { 1, 2 }, new StatutEp[] { StatutEp.Signe, StatutEp.SignatureReferent }, true, 1, 20, "gaillard", null, null, null)]
[TestCase(new EtatDemande[] { EtatDemande.EnAttente, EtatDemande.Validee, EtatDemande.Rejetee }, new long[] { 1 }, new StatutEp[] { StatutEp.Signe, StatutEp.SignatureReferent }, false, 1, 5, "gaillard", null, null, null)]
[TestCase(null, null, null, null, 2, 5, null, null, null, null)]
[TestCase(null, new long[] { 1 }, null, null, 1, 10, null, null, null, null)]
[TestCase(new EtatDemande[] { EtatDemande.Rejetee }, null, null, null, 1, 10, "gai", null, null, null)]
[TestCase(new EtatDemande[] { EtatDemande.EnAttente, EtatDemande.Validee, EtatDemande.Rejetee }, new long[] { }, new StatutEp[] { StatutEp.Signe, StatutEp.SignatureReferent }, null, 1, 50, "gai", null, null, null)]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseDesParamsValides_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormations(EtatDemande[] arrEtatDemandes, long[] arrIdBUs, StatutEp[] arrStatutsEp, bool? asc, int? numPage, int? parPAge, string texte, string tri, DateTime? dateDebut, DateTime? dateFin)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
List<long?> idBUs;
List<EtatDemande> etatDemandes;
List<StatutEp> statutsEp;
if (arrEtatDemandes != null)
etatDemandes = arrEtatDemandes.ToList();
etatDemandes = null;
if (arrIdBUs != null)
idBUs = arrIdBUs.Select(idBu => (long?)idBu).ToList();
idBUs = null;
if (arrStatutsEp != null)
statutsEp = arrStatutsEp.ToList();
statutsEp = null;
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(etatDemandes, idBUs, statutsEp, asc, numPage, parPAge, texte, tri, dateDebut, dateFin);
// Assert
Assert.Less(0, demandeFormationDTOs.Count());
[TestCase(1, 5)]
[TestCase(1, 10)]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamNumPageEtParPage_RetourneLaPremierePageDesFormations(int? numPage, int? parPage)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, null, numPage, parPage, null, null, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(parPage, demandeFormationDTOs.Count());
[TestCase(2, 5)]
[TestCase(2, 6)]
[TestCase(2, 10)]
[TestCase(2, 15)]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamNumPageEtParPage_RetourneLaDeuxiemePageDesFormations(int? numPage, int? parPage)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
int nbDemandeFormationDeuxiemePage;
switch (parPage)
case 5:
nbDemandeFormationDeuxiemePage = 5;
case 6:
nbDemandeFormationDeuxiemePage = 6;
case 10:
nbDemandeFormationDeuxiemePage = 2;
nbDemandeFormationDeuxiemePage = 0;
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, null, numPage, parPage, null, null, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(nbDemandeFormationDeuxiemePage, demandeFormationDTOs.Count());
[TestCase(true, "businessunit")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParBuCroissante(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual("Orl<EFBFBD>ans", demandeFormationDTOs.First().Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom);
Assert.AreEqual("Tours", demandeFormationDTOs.Last().Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom);
[TestCase(false, "businessunit")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParBuDecroissante(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual("Tours", demandeFormationDTOs.First().Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom);
Assert.AreEqual("Orl<EFBFBD>ans", demandeFormationDTOs.Last().Collaborateur.BusinessUnit.Nom);
[TestCase(true, "collaborateur")]
[TestCase(true, null)]
[TestCase(true, "toto")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParNomDuCollaborateurCroissant(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual("Gaillard", demandeFormationDTOs.First().Collaborateur.Nom);
Assert.AreEqual("Vasseur", demandeFormationDTOs.Last().Collaborateur.Nom);
[TestCase(false, "collaborateur")]
[TestCase(false, null)]
[TestCase(false, "toto")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParNomDuCollaborateurDecroissant(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual("Vasseur", demandeFormationDTOs.First().Collaborateur.Nom);
Assert.AreEqual("Gaillard", demandeFormationDTOs.Last().Collaborateur.Nom);
[TestCase(true, "datedemande")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParDateDemandeCroissante(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2020, 1, 22, 9, 0, 0), demandeFormationDTOs.First().DateDemande);
Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2020, 12, 22, 9, 0, 0), demandeFormationDTOs.Last().DateDemande);
[TestCase(false, "datedemande")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParDateDemandeDecroissante(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2020, 12, 22, 9, 0, 0), demandeFormationDTOs.First().DateDemande);
Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2020, 1, 22, 9, 0, 0), demandeFormationDTOs.Last().DateDemande);
[TestCase(true, "demanderh")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParDemandeRHCroissant(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
[TestCase(false, "demanderh")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParDemandeRHDecroissant(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
[TestCase(true, "etat")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParEtatCroissant(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(EtatDemande.EnAttente, demandeFormationDTOs.First().EtatDemande);
Assert.AreEqual(EtatDemande.Rejetee, demandeFormationDTOs.Last().EtatDemande);
[TestCase(false, "etat")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParEtatDecroissant(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(EtatDemande.Rejetee, demandeFormationDTOs.First().EtatDemande);
Assert.AreEqual(EtatDemande.EnAttente, demandeFormationDTOs.Last().EtatDemande);
[TestCase(true, "datereponse")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParDateDerniereReponseCroissante(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2020, 12, 27, 9, 0, 0), demandeFormationDTOs.Last().DateDerniereReponse);
[TestCase(false, "datereponse")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamAscEtTri_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsOrdonnanceeParDateDerniereReponseDecroissante(bool? asc, string tri)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, asc, null, null, null, tri, null, null);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2020, 12, 27, 9, 0, 0), demandeFormationDTOs.First().DateDerniereReponse);
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamUneDateDeDebut_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsAvecUneDateDeDebutSuperieur(DateTime dateDebut)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, dateDebut, null);
// Assert
Assert.IsTrue(demandeFormationDTOs.Any(d => d.DateDemande >= dateDebut));
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamUneDateDeFin_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsAvecUneDateDeFinInferieur(DateTime dateFin)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, dateFin);
// Assert
Assert.IsTrue(demandeFormationDTOs.Any(d => d.DateDemande <= dateFin));
[TestCase("2020-10-01", "2020-12-01")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamUneDateDeDebutEtUneDateDeFin_RetourneDesDemandesDeFormationsAvecUneDateDeDebutSuperieurUneDateDeFinInferieur(DateTime dateDebut, DateTime dateFin)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, dateDebut, dateFin);
// Assert
Assert.IsTrue(demandeFormationDTOs.Any(d => d.DateDemande >= dateDebut && d.DateDemande <= dateFin));
[TestCase("2020-11-01", "2020-10-01")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseEnParamUneDateDeDebutSuperieurEtUneDateDeFinInferieur_RetourneZeroDemandeDeFormation(DateTime dateDebut, DateTime dateFin)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, dateDebut, dateFin);
// Assert
[TestCase(new long[] { 1, 2 }, "azerty", null, null)]
[TestCase(new long[] { -1 }, "gaillard", null, null)]
[TestCase(null, null, "2021-11-01", null)]
[TestCase(null, null, null, "2019-11-01")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationAsync_PasseDesParamsInvalides_RetourneZeroDemandeDeFormation(long[] arrIdBUs, string texte, DateTime? dateDebut, DateTime? dateFin)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
List<long?> idBUs;
if (arrIdBUs != null)
idBUs = arrIdBUs.Select(idBu => (long?)idBu).ToList();
idBUs = null;
// Act
IEnumerable<DemandeFormationDTO> demandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationAsync(null, idBUs, null, null, null, null, texte, null, dateDebut, dateFin);
// Assert
#region Tests GetDemandesFormationCountAsync
[TestCase(new long[] { 1, 2 }, null, null, null)]
[TestCase(null, "gaillard", null, null)]
[TestCase(null, null, "2020-10-01", "2020-12-01")]
[TestCase(null, null, "2020-11-01", null)]
[TestCase(null, null, null, "2020-11-01")]
[TestCase(null, null, null, null)]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationCountAsync_PasseDesParamsValides_RetourneLeNombreTotalDeDemandesDeFormation(long[] arrIdBUs, string texte, DateTime? dateDebut, DateTime? dateFin)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
List<long?> idBUs;
if (arrIdBUs != null)
idBUs = arrIdBUs.Select(idBu => (long?)idBu).ToList();
idBUs = null;
// Act
long count = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationCountAsync(null, idBUs, null, texte, dateDebut, dateFin);
// Assert
Assert.Less(0, count);
[TestCase(new long[] { 1, 2 }, "azerty", null, null)]
[TestCase(new long[] { -1 }, "demande", null, null)]
[TestCase(null, null, "2021-11-01", null)]
[TestCase(null, null, null, "2019-11-01")]
public async Task GetDemandesFormationCountAsync_PasseDesParamsInvalides_RetourneZero(long[] arrIdBUs, string texte, DateTime? dateDebut, DateTime? dateFin)
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
List<long?> idBUs;
if (arrIdBUs != null)
idBUs = arrIdBUs.Select(idBu => (long?)idBu).ToList();
idBUs = null;
// Act
long count = await demandeFormationService.GetDemandesFormationCountAsync(null, idBUs, null, texte, dateDebut, dateFin);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(0, count);
#region Tests GetOriginesDemandeFormationAsync
public async Task GetOriginesDemandeFormationAsync_RetourneToutesLesOriginesDeDemandeDeFormation()
// Arrange
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
IEnumerable<OrigineDemandeFormationDTO> origineDemandeFormationDTOs = await demandeFormationService.GetOriginesDemandeFormationAsync();
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(5, origineDemandeFormationDTOs.Count()); // Nombre total d'origines de demande de formation dans la classe DataSeeder le 2020-03-08
#region Tests AddDemandeFormationAsync
public async Task AddDemandeFormationAsync_AjouteUneDemandeDeFormationValide_DemandeDeFormationAjouteeAvecSucces()
// Arrange
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 5, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Lemoine",
Prenom = "Coty",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2017, 2, 10, 20, 37, 58, 741),
DateDepart = null,
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Libelle = "Formation React",
Description = "Demande de formation React avec Redux",
DemandeRH = true,
DateDemande = DateTime.Now,
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
DemandeFormationDTO demandeDeFormationAjoute = await demandeFormationService.AddDemandeFormationAsync(demandeFormation);
// V<EFBFBD>rifie si la nouvelle demande de formation est bien li<EFBFBD>e au prochain EP du collaborateur Lemoine Coty
Ep ep = await epContext.Ep.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.IdEP == 12);
bool exist = ep.DemandesFormation.Any(d => d.IdDemandeFormation == 13);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(13, demandeDeFormationAjoute.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Libelle, demandeDeFormationAjoute.Libelle);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Description, demandeDeFormationAjoute.Description);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.DemandeRH, demandeDeFormationAjoute.DemandeRH);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.DateDemande, demandeDeFormationAjoute.DateDemande);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.EtatDemande, demandeDeFormationAjoute.EtatDemande);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Origine, demandeDeFormationAjoute.Origine);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Collaborateur.Id, demandeDeFormationAjoute.Collaborateur.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Collaborateur.Nom, demandeDeFormationAjoute.Collaborateur.Nom);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Collaborateur.Prenom, demandeDeFormationAjoute.Collaborateur.Prenom);
public void AddDemandeFormationAsync_AjouteUneDemandeDeFormationNull_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = null;
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.AddDemandeFormationAsync(demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
[TestCase("", "Demande de formation React avec Redux", true, "2021-03-10")]
[TestCase("Formation React", "", true, "2021-03-10")]
[TestCase("Formation React", "Demande de formation React avec Redux", null, "2021-03-10")]
[TestCase("Formation React", "Demande de formation React avec Redux", true, null)]
public void AddDemandeFormationAsync_AjouteUneDemandeDeFormationAvecDesProprietesInvalides_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException(string libelle, string description, bool? demandeRH, DateTime? dateDemande)
// Arrange
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 5, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Lemoine",
Prenom = "Coty",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2017, 2, 10, 20, 37, 58, 741),
DateDepart = null,
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Libelle = libelle,
Description = description,
DemandeRH = demandeRH,
DateDemande = dateDemande,
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.AddDemandeFormationAsync(demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
public void AddDemandeFormationAsync__AjouteUneDemandeDeFormationQuiNestPasEnAttente_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 5, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Lemoine",
Prenom = "Coty",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2017, 2, 10, 20, 37, 58, 741),
DateDepart = null,
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Libelle = "Formation React",
Description = "Demande de formation React avec Redux",
DemandeRH = true,
DateDemande = DateTime.Now,
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Validee,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.AddDemandeFormationAsync(demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
public void AddDemandeFormationAsync_AjouteUneDemandeDeFormationAvecUnCollaborateurNull_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 5, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = null;
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Libelle = "Formation React",
Description = "Demande de formation React avec Redux",
DemandeRH = true,
DateDemande = DateTime.Now,
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.AddDemandeFormationAsync(demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
public void AddDemandeFormationAsync_AjouteUneDemandeDeFormationAvecUnIdCollaborateurNull_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 5, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = null,
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Lemoine",
Prenom = "Coty",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2017, 2, 10, 20, 37, 58, 741),
DateDepart = null,
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Libelle = "Formation React",
Description = "Demande de formation React avec Redux",
DemandeRH = true,
DateDemande = DateTime.Now,
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.AddDemandeFormationAsync(demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
public void AddDemandeFormationAsync_AjouteUneDemandeDeFormationAvecUneOrigineNull_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = null;
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Lemoine",
Prenom = "Coty",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2017, 2, 10, 20, 37, 58, 741),
DateDepart = null,
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Libelle = "Formation React",
Description = "Demande de formation React avec Redux",
DemandeRH = true,
DateDemande = DateTime.Now,
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.AddDemandeFormationAsync(demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
public void AddDemandeFormationAsync_AjouteUneDemandeDeFormationAvecUnIdOrigineNull_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = null, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Lemoine",
Prenom = "Coty",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2017, 2, 10, 20, 37, 58, 741),
DateDepart = null,
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Libelle = "Formation React",
Description = "Demande de formation React avec Redux",
DemandeRH = true,
DateDemande = DateTime.Now,
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.AddDemandeFormationAsync(demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
public void AddDemandeFormationAsync_AjouteUneDemandeDeFormationQuiEstLieeAUnEpSigne_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 5, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("301ba7f3-095e-4912-8998-a7c942dc5f23"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Rousseau",
Prenom = "Lamar",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2020, 8, 1, 13, 21, 39, 799),
DateDepart = null,
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Libelle = "Formation React",
Description = "Demande de formation React avec Redux",
DemandeRH = true,
DateDemande = DateTime.Now,
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.AddDemandeFormationAsync(demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
#region Tests UpdateDemandeFormationAsync
public async Task UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_AccepteUneDemandeDeDemandeFormationEtAjouteLeParticipantALaListeDesParticipantsVide_DemandeAccepteeAvecSucces()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 1;
int nbParticipant = 0;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 5, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Lemoine",
Prenom = "Coty",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2017, 2, 10, 20, 37, 58, 741),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = new FormationDetailsDTO
Id = 1,
Intitule = "Formation Mainframe Compl<EFBFBD>te",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 1, 25, 10, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 1, 27),
Organisme = "Organisme1",
Origine = new OrigineFormationDTO { Id = 2, Libelle = "Exigence client" },
Statut = new StatutFormationDTO { Id = 1, Libelle = "Planifi<EFBFBD>e" },
EstCertifiee = false,
NbParticipations = nbParticipant
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormation,
Libelle = "Formation Cobol",
Description = "Demande de formation Cobol avec Mainframe",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 1, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Validee,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormationAcceptee = await demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
bool participationFormationCree = await epContext.ParticipationFormation.Include(p => p.DemandeFormation).AnyAsync(p => p.DemandeFormation.IdDemandeFormation == idDemandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormationAcceptee.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Libelle, demandeFormationAcceptee.Libelle);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Description, demandeFormationAcceptee.Description);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.EtatDemande, demandeFormationAcceptee.EtatDemande);
Assert.Less(nbParticipant, demandeFormationAcceptee.Formation.NbParticipations);
public async Task UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_AccepteUneDemandeDeDemandeFormationEtAjouteLeParticipantALaListeDesParticipantsNonVide_DemandeAccepteeAvecSucces()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 3;
int nbParticipant = 1;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationClient = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Client" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("a0f40e2a-cc03-4032-a627-5389e1281c64"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Vasseur",
Prenom = "Florencio",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2016, 1, 15, 10, 22, 30, 778),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = new FormationDetailsDTO
Id = 3,
Intitule = "Apprendre C# et le d<EFBFBD>veloppement de logiciels avec WPF",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 5, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 5, 27),
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = new OrigineFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Apside" },
Statut = new StatutFormationDTO { Id = 1, Libelle = "Planifi<EFBFBD>e" },
EstCertifiee = true,
NbParticipations = nbParticipant
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormation,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 3, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Validee,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationClient,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormationAcceptee = await demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
bool participationFormationCree = await epContext.ParticipationFormation.Include(p => p.DemandeFormation).AnyAsync(p => p.DemandeFormation.IdDemandeFormation == idDemandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormationAcceptee.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Libelle, demandeFormationAcceptee.Libelle);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Description, demandeFormationAcceptee.Description);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.EtatDemande, demandeFormationAcceptee.EtatDemande);
Assert.Less(nbParticipant, demandeFormationAcceptee.Formation.NbParticipations);
public void UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_MettreAJourUneDemandeEnAttente_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 1;
int nbParticipant = 0;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 5, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Lemoine",
Prenom = "Coty",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2017, 2, 10, 20, 37, 58, 741),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = new FormationDetailsDTO
Id = 1,
Intitule = "Formation Mainframe Compl<EFBFBD>te",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 1, 25, 10, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 1, 27),
Organisme = "Organisme1",
Origine = new OrigineFormationDTO { Id = 2, Libelle = "Exigence client" },
Statut = new StatutFormationDTO { Id = 1, Libelle = "Planifi<EFBFBD>e" },
EstCertifiee = false,
NbParticipations = nbParticipant
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormation,
Libelle = "Formation Cobol",
Description = "Demande de formation Cobol avec Mainframe",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 1, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
public void UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_AccepteUneDemandeAvecUnIdIncorrecte_LeveUneDemandeFormationIncompatibleIdException()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 1;
long idDemandeFormationIncorrecte = 0;
int nbParticipant = 1;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationClient = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Client" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("a0f40e2a-cc03-4032-a627-5389e1281c64"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Vasseur",
Prenom = "Florencio",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2016, 1, 15, 10, 22, 30, 778),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = new FormationDetailsDTO
Id = 3,
Intitule = "Apprendre C# et le d<EFBFBD>veloppement de logiciels avec WPF",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 5, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 5, 27),
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = new OrigineFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Apside" },
Statut = new StatutFormationDTO { Id = 1, Libelle = "Planifi<EFBFBD>e" },
EstCertifiee = true,
NbParticipations = nbParticipant
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormationIncorrecte,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 3, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Validee,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationClient,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationIncompatibleIdException), throwException);
public void UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_AccepteUneDemandeAvecUnIdDemandeFormationNull_LeveUneDemandeFormationIncompatibleIdException()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 1;
long? idDemandeFormationIncorrecte = null;
int nbParticipant = 1;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationClient = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Client" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("a0f40e2a-cc03-4032-a627-5389e1281c64"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Vasseur",
Prenom = "Florencio",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2016, 1, 15, 10, 22, 30, 778),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = new FormationDetailsDTO
Id = 3,
Intitule = "Apprendre C# et le d<EFBFBD>veloppement de logiciels avec WPF",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 5, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 5, 27),
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = new OrigineFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Apside" },
Statut = new StatutFormationDTO { Id = 1, Libelle = "Planifi<EFBFBD>e" },
EstCertifiee = true,
NbParticipations = nbParticipant
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormationIncorrecte,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 3, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Validee,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationClient,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationIncompatibleIdException), throwException);
public void UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_AccepteUneDemandeInexistante_LeveUneDemandeFormationNotFoundException()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 0;
int nbParticipant = 1;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationClient = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Client" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("a0f40e2a-cc03-4032-a627-5389e1281c64"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Vasseur",
Prenom = "Florencio",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2016, 1, 15, 10, 22, 30, 778),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = new FormationDetailsDTO
Id = 3,
Intitule = "Apprendre C# et le d<EFBFBD>veloppement de logiciels avec WPF",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 5, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 5, 27),
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = new OrigineFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Apside" },
Statut = new StatutFormationDTO { Id = 1, Libelle = "Planifi<EFBFBD>e" },
EstCertifiee = true,
NbParticipations = nbParticipant
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormation,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 3, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Validee,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationClient,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationNotFoundException), throwException);
public void UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_AccepteUneDemandeAvecUneFormationNull_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 3;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationClient = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Client" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("a0f40e2a-cc03-4032-a627-5389e1281c64"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Vasseur",
Prenom = "Florencio",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2016, 1, 15, 10, 22, 30, 778),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = null;
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormation,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 3, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Validee,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationClient,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
public void UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_AccepteUneDemandeAvecUnIdFormationNull_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 3;
long? idFormation = null;
int nbParticipant = 1;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationClient = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Client" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("a0f40e2a-cc03-4032-a627-5389e1281c64"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Vasseur",
Prenom = "Florencio",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2016, 1, 15, 10, 22, 30, 778),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = new FormationDetailsDTO
Id = idFormation,
Intitule = "Apprendre C# et le d<EFBFBD>veloppement de logiciels avec WPF",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 5, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 5, 27),
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = new OrigineFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Apside" },
Statut = new StatutFormationDTO { Id = 1, Libelle = "Planifi<EFBFBD>e" },
EstCertifiee = true,
NbParticipations = nbParticipant
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormation,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 3, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Validee,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationClient,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
public async Task UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_RefuseUneDemandeDeFormationEnAttente_DemandeRefuseeAvecSucces()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 1;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 5, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Lemoine",
Prenom = "Coty",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2017, 2, 10, 20, 37, 58, 741),
DateDepart = null,
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormation,
Libelle = "Formation Cobol",
Description = "Demande de formation Cobol avec Mainframe",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 1, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Rejetee,
CommentaireRefus= "Formation indisponible pour le moment",
Origine = origineDemandeFormationApside,
Collaborateur = collaborateur
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormationAcceptee = await demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
bool participationFormationExistante = await epContext.ParticipationFormation.Include(p => p.DemandeFormation).AnyAsync(p => p.DemandeFormation.IdDemandeFormation == idDemandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormationAcceptee.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Libelle, demandeFormationAcceptee.Libelle);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Description, demandeFormationAcceptee.Description);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.EtatDemande, demandeFormationAcceptee.EtatDemande);
public async Task UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_RefuseUneDemandeDeFormationAccepteeEtSupprimeLaParticipation_DemandeRefuseeAvecSucces()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 5;
int nbParticipant = 1;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationEP = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 2, Libelle = "Demande EP" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Lemoine",
Prenom = "Coty",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2017, 2, 10, 20, 37, 58, 741),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = new FormationDetailsDTO
Id = 3,
Intitule = "Apprendre C# et le d<EFBFBD>veloppement de logiciels avec WPF",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 5, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 5, 27),
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = new OrigineFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Apside" },
Statut = new StatutFormationDTO { Id = 1, Libelle = "Planifi<EFBFBD>e" },
EstCertifiee = true,
NbParticipations = nbParticipant
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormation,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 5, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Rejetee,
CommentaireRefus = "Formation indisponible pour le moment",
Origine = origineDemandeFormationEP,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormationAcceptee = await demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
bool participationFormationExistante = await epContext.ParticipationFormation.Include(p => p.DemandeFormation).AnyAsync(p => p.DemandeFormation.IdDemandeFormation == idDemandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormationAcceptee.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Libelle, demandeFormationAcceptee.Libelle);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.Description, demandeFormationAcceptee.Description);
Assert.AreEqual(demandeFormation.EtatDemande, demandeFormationAcceptee.EtatDemande);
Assert.Greater(nbParticipant, demandeFormationAcceptee.Formation.NbParticipations);
[TestCase(" ")]
public void UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_RefuseUneDemandeSansCommentaireRefus_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException(string commentaireRefus)
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 3;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationClient = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Client" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("a0f40e2a-cc03-4032-a627-5389e1281c64"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Vasseur",
Prenom = "Florencio",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2016, 1, 15, 10, 22, 30, 778),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = null;
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormation,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 3, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Rejetee,
CommentaireRefus = commentaireRefus,
Origine = origineDemandeFormationClient,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);
public void UpdateDemandeFormationAsync_RefuseUneDemandeInexistante_LeveUneDemandeFormationNotFoundException()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 0;
int nbParticipant = 1;
OrigineDemandeFormationDTO origineDemandeFormationClient = new OrigineDemandeFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Client" };
List<BusinessUnitDTO> Bus = new List<BusinessUnitDTO>() {
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "Tours" },
new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans" },
CollaborateurDTO collaborateur = new CollaborateurDTO
Id = Guid.Parse("a0f40e2a-cc03-4032-a627-5389e1281c64"),
BusinessUnit = new BusinessUnitDTO { Id = 2, Nom = "Orl<EFBFBD>ans", Agence = new AgenceDTO { Id = 1, Nom = "TOP", Bu = Bus } },
Nom = "Vasseur",
Prenom = "Florencio",
MailApside = "",
DateArrivee = new DateTime(2016, 1, 15, 10, 22, 30, 778),
DateDepart = null,
FormationDetailsDTO formation = new FormationDetailsDTO
Id = 3,
Intitule = "Apprendre C# et le d<EFBFBD>veloppement de logiciels avec WPF",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 5, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 5, 27),
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = new OrigineFormationDTO { Id = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Apside" },
Statut = new StatutFormationDTO { Id = 1, Libelle = "Planifi<EFBFBD>e" },
EstCertifiee = true,
NbParticipations = nbParticipant
DemandeFormationDTO demandeFormation = new DemandeFormationDTO
Id = idDemandeFormation,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 3, 22, 9, 0, 0),
EtatDemande = EtatDemande.Rejetee,
CommentaireRefus = "Formation indisponible pour le moment",
Origine = origineDemandeFormationClient,
Collaborateur = collaborateur,
Formation = formation,
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.UpdateDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation, demandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationNotFoundException), throwException);
#region Tests DeleteDemandeFormationAsync
public async Task DeleteDemandeFormationAsync_SupprimeUneDemandeDeFormation_DemandeDeFormationSupprimeeAvecSucces()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 5;
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
bool demandeFormationSupprimee = await demandeFormationService.DeleteDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation);
bool demandeRetireeDansEp = await epContext.Ep.Include(e => e.DemandesFormation).AnyAsync(e => e.DemandesFormation.Any(d => d.IdDemandeFormation == idDemandeFormation));
bool demandeRetireeDansParticipation = await epContext.ParticipationFormation.Include(p => p.DemandeFormation).AnyAsync(p => p.DemandeFormation.IdDemandeFormation == idDemandeFormation);
bool demandeFormationExiste = await epContext.DemandeFormation.AnyAsync(d => d.IdDemandeFormation == idDemandeFormation);
// Assert
public void DeleteDemandeFormationAsync_SupprimeUneDemandeDeFormationInexistante_LeveUneDemandeFormationNotFoundException()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 0;
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.DeleteDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationNotFoundException), throwException);
public void DeleteDemandeFormationAsync_SupprimeUneDemandeDeFormationConcernantUnEpSigne_LeveUneDemandeFormationInvalidException()
// Arrange
long idDemandeFormation = 2;
DemandeFormationService demandeFormationService = new DemandeFormationService(epContext, collaborateurService, transformDTO);
// Act
AsyncTestDelegate throwException = () => demandeFormationService.DeleteDemandeFormationAsync(idDemandeFormation);
// Assert
Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(DemandeFormationInvalidException), throwException);