You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1542 lines
60 KiB

using EPAServeur.Models.EP;
using EPAServeur.Models.Formation;
using EPAServeur.Models.Notes;
using EPAServeur.Models.SaisieChamp;
using IO.Swagger.Enum;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace EPAServeur.Context
/// <summary>
/// Classe permettant d'insérer des données dans la base de données.
/// </summary>
public class DataSeeder
/// <summary>
/// Insère des informations qui pourront être conservées dans la base de données
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epContext"></param>
public static void AddInformationsDeBase(EpContext epContext)
//AVoir un tableau pour dire combien de demande de formations seront faites pour chaque EP
//Avoir un tableau pour dire combien de demande de Participation seront faites et accepter (max : 11)
//La formation associée sera choisie de manière aléatoire parmi celles créées (pas grave si la cohérence niveau date est foireuse....)
//Pour chaque demande de formation... essayer d'avoir une fois la même personne dans une formation ?... lool
/// <summary>
/// Insère des thèmes qui pourront être ajoutés et conservés
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epContext"></param>
//public static void AddThemes(EpContext epContext)
// Theme management, securite, developpement, gestionprojet;
// management = new Theme { Libelle = "Management" };
// epContext.Theme.Add(management);
// securite = new Theme { Libelle = "Sécurité" };
// epContext.Theme.Add(securite);
// developpement = new Theme { Libelle = "Développement" };
// epContext.Theme.Add(developpement);
// gestionprojet = new Theme { Libelle = "Gestion de projet" };
// epContext.Theme.Add(gestionprojet);
// epContext.SaveChanges();
/// <summary>
/// Insère un jeu de données fictif pour les types d'entretien
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epContext"></param>
public static void AddTypesEntretien(EpContext epContext)
TypeEntretien typeSite, typeClient, typeVisio, typeTelephone;
typeSite = new TypeEntretien { Libelle = "Sur site" };
typeClient = new TypeEntretien { Libelle = "Chez le client" };
typeVisio = new TypeEntretien { Libelle = "Visioconférence" };
typeTelephone = new TypeEntretien { Libelle = "Téléphonique" };
/// <summary>
/// Insère un jeu de données fictif pour les ep
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epContext"></param>
public static void AddEp(EpContext epContext)
//Créer des EP qui ont déjà été effectué (pas grave si il y a des informations qui sont incohérentes)
//C1 ---> C5 Collaborateurs
//C5 --> C10 CP+Tech Lead
//RH --> RH
//AS --> Assistant
//COM --> Commercial
//DEL --> Delivery
// 10 EP
Ep ep1, ep2, ep3;
Ep ep4, ep5;
Ep ep6, ep7, ep8;
//DemandeFormation df;
//ParticipationFormation pf;
ep1 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("1ec99fde-f756-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("1ec9a204-f756-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
//df = new DemandeFormation
// Description = "Description formation",
// DemandeRH = false,
// DateDemande = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
ep2 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("779bf1cf-4d38-48fb-8550-3d583384523b"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("ecf528c3-e509-402f-87bb-c8821467e350"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
ep3 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("17b87130-0e9d-4b78-b0e3-a11e5f70318d"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("ecf528c3-e509-402f-87bb-c8821467e350"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
ep4 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("f960f851-16b6-4631-952e-d05f38d8d80f"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("01ee85ff-d7f3-494b-b1de-26ced8fbfa0d"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
ep5 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("efb063b2-ce1e-4d19-8340-d4b0b022d0d0"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("3fa56dc6-8597-4030-a0b2-1619b98c428d"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
ep6 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("e5d36da4-df16-4d19-8a11-1ba2f6efc80c"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("3fa56dc6-8597-4030-a0b2-1619b98c428d"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
ep7 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("9e1ee839-4477-4d64-9b4d-80654c97c39f"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("efb063b2-ce1e-4d19-8340-d4b0b022d0d0"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
ep8 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("3f532f4c-a5c9-466c-b7c1-fdc6bc48780e"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("efb063b2-ce1e-4d19-8340-d4b0b022d0d0"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
/// <summary>
/// Insère un jeu de données fictif pour les engagements
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epContext"></param>
public static void AddEngagements(EpContext epContext)
Ep ep9, ep10, ep11;
ep9 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("59a8becb-bc0a-4d3d-adb1-8a8bd13c48c9"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("e5d36da4-df16-4d19-8a11-1ba2f6efc80c"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
ep10 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("a00eb610-d735-4a83-ac5a-7b89cbd4b42d"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("d3f69a83-8a29-4971-8d3c-2d0cf320dad2"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 7, 8),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
ep11 = new Ep
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("a00eb610-d735-4a83-ac5a-7b89cbd4b42d"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("d3f69a83-8a29-4971-8d3c-2d0cf320dad2"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2018, 1, 7),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2018, 1, 6),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.Signe,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2018, 6, 20)
Engagement engagement1, engagement2, engagement3;
engagement1 = new Engagement
Action = "Je m'engage à...",
Dispositif = "interne",
Modalite = "Modalite",
DateLimite = new DateTime(2017, 7, 7),
EtatEngagement = EtatEngagement.EnAttente,
RaisonNonRealisable = null,
Ep = ep9
engagement2 = new Engagement
Action = "Je m'engage à faire...",
Dispositif = "externe",
Modalite = "Modalite 2",
DateLimite = new DateTime(2017, 7, 8),
EtatEngagement = EtatEngagement.EnAttente,
RaisonNonRealisable = null,
Ep = ep10
engagement3 = new Engagement
Action = "Je m'engage à faire...",
Dispositif = "externe",
Modalite = "Modalite 3",
DateLimite = new DateTime(2017, 7, 8),
EtatEngagement = EtatEngagement.EnAttente,
RaisonNonRealisable = "Aucune formation disponible",
Ep = ep11
/// <summary>
/// Insère un jeu de données fictif pour les formations
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epContext"></param>
public static void AddFormations(EpContext epContext)
StatutFormation statutPlanifie, statutReplanifie, statutRealise, statutAnnule;
statutPlanifie = new StatutFormation { IdStatutFormation = 1, Libelle = "Planifiée" };
statutReplanifie = new StatutFormation { IdStatutFormation = 2, Libelle = "Replanifiée" };
statutRealise = new StatutFormation { IdStatutFormation = 3, Libelle = "Réalisée" };
statutAnnule = new StatutFormation { IdStatutFormation = 4, Libelle = "Annulée" };
ModeFormation modeExterne, modeInterne, modePresentiel, modeELearning;
modeExterne = new ModeFormation { IdModeFormation = 1, Libelle = "Externe" };
modeInterne = new ModeFormation { IdModeFormation = 2, Libelle = "Interne" };
modePresentiel = new ModeFormation { IdModeFormation = 3, Libelle = "Présentiel" };
modeELearning = new ModeFormation { IdModeFormation = 4, Libelle = "E-learning" };
TypeFormation typeExterne, typeInterne, typeELearning, typeAcademy;
typeExterne = new TypeFormation { IdTypeFormation = 1, Libelle = "Externe" };
typeInterne = new TypeFormation { IdTypeFormation = 2, Libelle = "Interne" };
typeELearning = new TypeFormation { IdTypeFormation = 3, Libelle = "E-learning" };
typeAcademy = new TypeFormation { IdTypeFormation = 4, Libelle = "Academy by Apside" };
OrigineFormation origineFormationCollaborateur, origineFormationClient, origineFormationApside, origineFormationReglementaire;
origineFormationCollaborateur = new OrigineFormation { IdOrigineFormation = 1, Libelle = "Demande collaborateur" };
origineFormationClient = new OrigineFormation { IdOrigineFormation = 2, Libelle = "Exigence client" };
origineFormationApside = new OrigineFormation { IdOrigineFormation = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Apside" };
origineFormationReglementaire = new OrigineFormation { IdOrigineFormation = 4, Libelle = "Formation réglementaire" };
OrigineDemande origineDemandeFormationCollaborateur, origineDemandeFormationEP,
origineDemandeFormationClient, origineDemandeFormationReglement, origineDemandeFormationApside;
origineDemandeFormationCollaborateur = new OrigineDemande { IdOrigineDemande = 1, Libelle = "Demande collaborateur" };
origineDemandeFormationEP = new OrigineDemande { IdOrigineDemande = 2, Libelle = "Demande EP" };
origineDemandeFormationClient = new OrigineDemande { IdOrigineDemande = 3, Libelle = "Exigence Client" };
origineDemandeFormationReglement = new OrigineDemande { IdOrigineDemande = 4, Libelle = "Formation réglementaire" };
origineDemandeFormationApside = new OrigineDemande { IdOrigineDemande = 5, Libelle = "Demande Apside" };
Formation f1, f2, f3;//Planifiées
Formation f4, f5; // Réalisées
Formation f6, f7, f8, f9;//Replanifiées
Formation f10, f11; //Annulées
//new DateTime(Année, Mois, Jour, Heure, Minute...)
List<Formation> formations = new List<Formation>();
f1 = new Formation
IdFormation = 1,
Intitule = "Formation Mainframe Complète",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 1, 25, 10, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 1, 27),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 2,
Jour = 1,
ModeFormation = modeELearning,
TypeFormation = typeELearning,
Organisme = "Organisme1",
Origine = origineFormationClient,
Statut = statutPlanifie,
EstCertifiee = false
f2 = new Formation
IdFormation = 2,
Intitule = "Formation professionnelle React + Redux",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 2, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 2, 27),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 10,
Jour = 5,
ModeFormation = modeExterne,
TypeFormation = typeExterne,
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = origineFormationClient,
Statut = statutPlanifie,
EstCertifiee = false
f3 = new Formation
IdFormation = 3,
Intitule = "Apprendre C# et le développement de logiciels avec WPF",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 5, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 5, 27),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 4,
Jour = 2,
ModeFormation = modeELearning,
TypeFormation = typeELearning,
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = origineFormationApside,
Statut = statutPlanifie,
EstCertifiee = true
f4 = new Formation
IdFormation = 4,
Intitule = "Formation Visual Basic.Net - Initiation + Approfondissement",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 7, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 7, 27),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 3,
Jour = 1,
ModeFormation = modeELearning,
TypeFormation = typeAcademy,
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = origineFormationCollaborateur,
Statut = statutRealise,
EstCertifiee = true
f5 = new Formation
IdFormation = 5,
Intitule = "Formation Conception, langage SQL : Les fondamentaux",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 8, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 8, 27),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 6,
Jour = 2,
ModeFormation = modePresentiel,
TypeFormation = typeExterne,
Organisme = "Organisme3",
Origine = origineFormationClient,
Statut = statutRealise,
EstCertifiee = true
f6 = new Formation
IdFormation = 6,
Intitule = "Formation Laravel 5.x, Développement WEB en PHP",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 9, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 9, 27),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 4,
Jour = 2,
ModeFormation = modePresentiel,
TypeFormation = typeInterne,
Organisme = "Organisme4",
Origine = origineFormationClient,
Statut = statutReplanifie,
EstCertifiee = false
f7 = new Formation
IdFormation = 7,
Intitule = "Formation d’initiation aux Méthodes Agiles – Scrum",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 11, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 11, 27),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 6,
Jour = 5,
ModeFormation = modePresentiel,
TypeFormation = typeInterne,
Organisme = "Organisme2",
Origine = origineFormationClient,
Statut = statutReplanifie,
EstCertifiee = false
f8 = new Formation
IdFormation = 8,
Intitule = "Formation Xamarin, Développer des applications mobiles en C# pour iOS et Android",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 12, 25, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 12, 27),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 6,
Jour = 3,
ModeFormation = modeELearning,
TypeFormation = typeAcademy,
Organisme = "Organisme4",
Origine = origineFormationClient,
Statut = statutReplanifie,
EstCertifiee = true
f9 = new Formation
IdFormation = 9,
Intitule = "Formation Développer des Web Services en Java",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 11, 15, 9, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 11, 15),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 3,
Jour = 1,
ModeFormation = modePresentiel,
TypeFormation = typeInterne,
Organisme = "Organisme3",
Origine = origineFormationClient,
Statut = statutReplanifie,
EstCertifiee = true
f10 = new Formation
IdFormation = 10,
Intitule = "Architecture Microservices – Les fondamentaux",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 8, 3, 14, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 8, 3),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 2,
Jour = 1,
ModeFormation = modePresentiel,
TypeFormation = typeInterne,
Organisme = "Organisme4",
Origine = origineFormationReglementaire,
Statut = statutAnnule,
EstCertifiee = false
f11 = new Formation
IdFormation = 11,
Intitule = "Formation Clean Architecture .Net Core",
DateDebut = new DateTime(2020, 04, 6, 9, 0, 0),
DateFin = new DateTime(2020, 04, 11),
IdAgence = 1,
Heure = 15,
Jour = 5,
ModeFormation = modePresentiel,
TypeFormation = typeInterne,
Organisme = "Organisme1",
Origine = origineFormationReglementaire,
Statut = statutAnnule,
EstCertifiee = false
int[] npParticipants = { };
// EP
Ep ep12, ep13, ep14, ep15;
Ep ep16, ep17, ep18, ep19;
Ep ep20;
ep12 = new Ep
IdEP = 12,
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("aa36f34c-9041-42f5-9db3-6536fe7f1696"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 1, 21, 9, 0, 0),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2020, 1, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.SignatureReferent,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2020, 1, 23)
ep13 = new Ep
IdEP = 13,
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("301ba7f3-095e-4912-8998-a7c942dc5f23"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("ea027734-ff0f-4308-8879-133a09fb3c46"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPS,
NumeroEp = 3,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 2, 22, 9, 0, 0),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2020, 2, 25, 9, 0, 0),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.SignatureReferent,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2020, 2, 23)
ep14 = new Ep
IdEP = 14,
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("a0f40e2a-cc03-4032-a627-5389e1281c64"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("56e3d82d-4be4-4449-a1f7-b4004b6bd186"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPS,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 3, 22, 9, 0, 0),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2020, 3, 25, 9, 0, 0),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.SignatureReferent,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2020, 3, 23)
ep15 = new Ep
IdEP = 15,
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("4f3fcd23-a1e4-4c9e-afa2-d06ca9216491"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("25d2b0ce-5c95-4ccc-98bb-63b06c4ee4ad"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPS,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 4, 22, 9, 0, 0),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2020, 4, 25, 9, 0, 0),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.SignatureReferent,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2020, 4, 23)
ep16 = new Ep
IdEP = 16,
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("0968ccd3-1ef5-4041-83f3-1c76afb02bbf"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("01ee85ff-d7f3-494b-b1de-26ced8fbfa0d"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPA,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 5, 22, 9, 0, 0),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2020, 5, 25, 9, 0, 0),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.SignatureReferent,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2020, 5, 23)
ep17 = new Ep
IdEP = 17,
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("e7820f92-eab1-42f5-ae96-5c16e71ff1e6"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("d4fc247b-015a-44d6-8f3e-a52f0902d2bf"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPS,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 6, 22, 9, 0, 0),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2020, 6, 25, 9, 0, 0),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.SignatureReferent,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2020, 6, 23)
ep18 = new Ep
IdEP = 18,
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("1429be5b-9125-482c-80c4-c1d34afbd8d2"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("3f276ab8-727a-4e26-ad5d-4d296158688e"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPS,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 7, 22, 9, 0, 0),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2020, 7, 25, 9, 0, 0),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.SignatureReferent,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2020, 7, 23)
ep19 = new Ep
IdEP = 19,
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("13fbe621-1bc9-4f04-afde-b54ca076e239"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("f1d14915-89f7-4c1a-a8e1-4148ed7d81d7"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 8, 22, 9, 0, 0),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2020, 8, 25, 9, 0, 0),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.SignatureReferent,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2020, 8, 23)
ep20 = new Ep
IdEP = 20,
IdCollaborateur = Guid.Parse("b5254c6c-7caa-435f-a4bb-e0cf92559832"),
IdReferent = Guid.Parse("dfea9a3c-7896-444d-9aa0-61ae536091c1"),
IdBu = 2,
Fonction = "Dev",
TypeEP = TypeEp.EPS,
NumeroEp = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 9, 22, 9, 0, 0),
DatePrevisionnelle = new DateTime(2020, 9, 25, 9, 0, 0),
Obligatoire = false,
Statut = StatutEp.SignatureReferent,
CV = "CV.pdf",
DateSaisie = new DateTime(2020, 9, 23)
// Demande de formation
DemandeFormation d1, d2, d3, d4;//EnAttente
DemandeFormation d5, d6, d7, d8; // Validee
DemandeFormation d9, d10, d11, d12;//Rejetee
d1 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 1,
Libelle = "Formation Cobol",
Description = "Demande de formation Cobol avec Mainframe",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 1, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = null,
Ep = ep12
d2 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 2,
Libelle = "Formation React",
Description = "Demande de formation React avec Redux",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 2, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = null,
Ep = ep13
d3 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 3,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 3, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = null,
Ep = ep14
d4 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 4,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 4, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.EnAttente,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = null,
Ep = ep13
d5 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 5,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec WPF",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 5, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.Validee,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = null,
Ep = ep12
d6 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 6,
Libelle = "Formation Vb.Net",
Description = "Demande de formation Vb.Net avec WinForms",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 6, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.Validee,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = null,
Ep = ep15
d7 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 7,
Libelle = "Formation Vb.Net",
Description = "Demande de formation Vb.Net avec WinForms",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 7, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.Validee,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = null,
Ep = ep16
d8 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 8,
Libelle = "Formation SQL",
Description = "Demande de formation SQL avec SQL Server",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 8, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.Validee,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = null,
Ep = ep16
d9 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 9,
Libelle = "Formation PHP",
Description = "Demande de formation PHP avec Laravel",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 9, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.Rejetee,
CommentaireRefus = "Aucune formation PHP pour le moment",
DateDerniereReponse = new DateTime(2020, 9, 27, 9, 0, 0),
Ep = ep17
d10 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 10,
Libelle = "Formation Vue.JS",
Description = "Demande de formation Vue.JS",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 10, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.Rejetee,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = new DateTime(2020, 10, 27, 9, 0, 0),
Ep = ep18
d11 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 11,
Libelle = "Formation SCRUM",
Description = "Demande de formation sur la méthode agile SCRUM",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 11, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.Rejetee,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = new DateTime(2020, 11, 27, 9, 0, 0),
Ep = ep19
d12 = new DemandeFormation
IdDemandeFormation = 12,
Libelle = "Formation C#",
Description = "Demande de formation C# avec Xamarin",
DemandeRH = false,
DateDemande = new DateTime(2020, 12, 22, 9, 0, 0),
Etat = EtatDemande.Rejetee,
CommentaireRefus = null,
DateDerniereReponse = new DateTime(2020, 12, 27, 9, 0, 0),
Ep = ep20
// Participation formation
ParticipationFormation p1, p2, p3, p4;
ParticipationFormation p5, p6, p7, p8;
ParticipationFormation p9, p10, p11, p12;
p1 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 1,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 1, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d1.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d1,
Formation = f1
p2 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 2,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 2, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d2.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d2,
Formation = f2
p3 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 3,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 3, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d3.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d3,
Formation = f3
p4 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 4,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 4, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d4.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d4,
Formation = f3
p5 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 5,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 5, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d5.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d5,
Formation = f3
p6 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 6,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 6, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d6.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d6,
Formation = f4
p7 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 7,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 7, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d7.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d7,
Formation = f4
p8 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 8,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 8, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d8.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d8,
Formation = f5
p9 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 9,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 9, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d9.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d9,
Formation = f6
p10 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 10,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 10, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d10.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d10,
Formation = f7
p11 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 11,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 11, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d11.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d11,
Formation = f8
p12 = new ParticipationFormation
IdParticipationFormation = 12,
DateCreation = new DateTime(2020, 12, 25, 9, 0, 0),
EstEvaluee = false,
IdDemandeFormation = d12.IdDemandeFormation,
DemandeFormation = d12,
Formation = f9
/// <summary>
/// Insère un jeu de données fictif pour les champs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epContext"></param>
public static void AddChamps(EpContext epContext)
Champ c;
c = new Champ { Section = "Mission/Projet", Ordre = 0, Texte = "Impressions générales", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Commentaire };
c = new Champ { Section = "Mission/Projet", Ordre = 1, Texte = "Faits marquants", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Commentaire };
c = new Champ { Section = "Mission/Projet", Ordre = 2, Texte = "Succès", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS };
c = new Champ { Section = "Mission/Projet", Ordre = 3, Texte = "Retours Client/Chef de projet", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Commentaire };
c = new Champ { Section = "Mission/Projet", Ordre = 4, Texte = "Difficultés", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Mission/Projet", Ordre = 5, Texte = "Relation Client/Chef de projet", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Mission/Projet", Ordre = 6, Texte = "Ambiance de travail", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Mission/Projet", Ordre = 7, Texte = "Intérêt technique", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Mission/Projet", Ordre = 8, Texte = "Site géographique", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Générales", Ordre = 0, Texte = "Motivation", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Générales", Ordre = 1, Texte = "Adaptabilité", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Générales", Ordre = 2, Texte = "Force de proposition", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Générales", Ordre = 3, Texte = "Leadership", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Générales", Ordre = 4, Texte = "Ecoute", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Générales", Ordre = 5, Texte = "Prise de recul", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Générales", Ordre = 6, Texte = "Sens du service", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Générales", Ordre = 7, Texte = "Communication", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Générales", Ordre = 8, Texte = "Rigueur", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Générales", Ordre = 9, Texte = "Organisation", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Compétences", SousSection = "Compétences Techniques", Ordre = 0, Texte = "Nouvelle compétence", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Competence };
c = new Champ { Section = "Apside", Ordre = 0, Texte = "Relation avec la structure", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Apside", Ordre = 1, Texte = "Sentiment d'écoute", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Apside", Ordre = 2, Texte = "Perception de la stratégie de développement", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Apside", Ordre = 3, Texte = "Esprit d'entreprise", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Apside", Ordre = 4, Texte = "Transparence de l'information", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Apside", Ordre = 5, Texte = "Politique de formation", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Apside", Ordre = 6, Texte = "Satisfaction Apside", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Formation", Ordre = 0, Texte = "Formations effectuées", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPA, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Aucun };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evolution Professionnelle et Salarial", Ordre = 0, Texte = "Evolution de l'emploie", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPA, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Aucun };
c = new Champ { Section = "Projet professionnel/Souhait d’évolution ", Ordre = 0, Texte = "A court terme", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPA, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Commentaire };
c = new Champ { Section = "Projet professionnel/Souhait d’évolution ", Ordre = 1, Texte = "A long terme", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPA, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Commentaire };
c = new Champ { Section = "Projet professionnel/Souhait d’évolution ", Ordre = 2, Texte = "Atouts/Freins pour ce projet", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPA, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Commentaire };
c = new Champ { Section = "Projet professionnel/Souhait d’évolution ", Ordre = 3, Texte = "Commentaire référent", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPA, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Commentaire };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evolution", Ordre = 1, Texte = "Evolution du salaire", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPASIXANS, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Aucun };
/*c = new Champ { Section = "", SousSection = "", Ordre = 0, Texte = "", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPASIXANS };
c = new Champ { Section = "", SousSection = "", Ordre = 0, Texte = "", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPASIXANS };
c = new Champ { Section = "", SousSection = "", Ordre = 0, Texte = "", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.EPASIXANS };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evaluation", Ordre = 0, Texte = "Accueil et organisation", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.Evaluation, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evaluation", Ordre = 1, Texte = "Compétences animateur", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.Evaluation, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evaluation", Ordre = 2, Texte = "Pédagogie/Animation", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.Evaluation, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evaluation", Ordre = 3, Texte = "Exhaustivité des sujets traités", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.Evaluation, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evaluation", Ordre = 4, Texte = "Utilité/Apport de la formation", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.Evaluation, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evaluation", Ordre = 5, Texte = "Contenu théorique", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.Evaluation, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evaluation", Ordre = 6, Texte = "Contenu pratique", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.Evaluation, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evaluation", Ordre = 7, Texte = "Equilibre pratique/théorie", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.Evaluation, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evaluation", Ordre = 8, Texte = "Support de cours", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.Evaluation, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
c = new Champ { Section = "Evaluation", Ordre = 9, Texte = "Durée", TypeChamp = TypeChamps.Evaluation, TypeSaisie = TypeSaisie.Notation };
/// <summary>
/// Insère un jeu de données fictif pour les notes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epContext"></param>
public static void AddNotes(EpContext epContext)
Note note;
note = new Note()
IdNote = 1,
Titre = "Titre1",
Texte = "Texte1",
IdAuteur = new Guid("aa36f34c-9041-42f5-9db3-6536fe7f1696"),
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
DateCreation = DateTime.Now,
DateMiseAJour = DateTime.Now
note = new Note()
IdNote = 2,
Titre = "Titre2",
Texte = "Texte2",
IdAuteur = new Guid("aa36f34c-9041-42f5-9db3-6536fe7f1696"),
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
DateCreation = DateTime.Now,
DateMiseAJour = DateTime.Now
note = new Note()
IdNote = 3,
Titre = "Titre3",
Texte = "Texte3",
IdAuteur = new Guid(),
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
DateCreation = DateTime.Now,
DateMiseAJour = DateTime.Now
note = new Note()
IdNote = 4,
Titre = "Titre4",
Texte = "Texte4",
IdAuteur = new Guid("aa36f34c-9041-42f5-9db3-6536fe7f1696"),
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("17b87130-0e9d-4b78-b0e3-a11e5f70318d"),
DateCreation = DateTime.Now,
DateMiseAJour = DateTime.Now
note = new Note()
IdNote = 5,
Titre = "Titre5",
Texte = "Texte5",
IdAuteur = new Guid("aa36f34c-9041-42f5-9db3-6536fe7f1696"),
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("17b87130-0e9d-4b78-b0e3-a11e5f70318d"),
DateCreation = DateTime.Now,
DateMiseAJour = DateTime.Now
note = new Note()
IdNote = 6,
Titre = "Titre6",
Texte = "Texte6",
IdAuteur = new Guid("01ee85ff-d7f3-494b-b1de-26ced8fbfa0d"),
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("17b87130-0e9d-4b78-b0e3-a11e5f70318d"),
DateCreation = DateTime.Now,
DateMiseAJour = DateTime.Now
note = new Note()
IdNote = 7,
Titre = "Titre7",
Texte = "Texte7",
IdAuteur = new Guid(),
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("17b87130-0e9d-4b78-b0e3-a11e5f70318d"),
DateCreation = DateTime.Now,
DateMiseAJour = DateTime.Now
note = new Note()
IdNote = 8,
Titre = "Titre8",
Texte = "Texte8",
IdAuteur = new Guid("01ee85ff-d7f3-494b-b1de-26ced8fbfa0d"),
IdCollaborateur = new Guid(),
DateCreation = DateTime.Now,
DateMiseAJour = DateTime.Now
note = new Note()
IdNote = 9,
Titre = "Titre9",
Texte = "Texte9",
IdAuteur = new Guid("01ee85ff-d7f3-494b-b1de-26ced8fbfa0d"),
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("17b87130-0e9d-4b78-b0e3-a11e5f70318d"),
DateCreation = DateTime.Now,
DateMiseAJour = DateTime.Now
note = new Note()
IdNote = 10,
Titre = "Titre10",
Texte = "Texte10",
IdAuteur = new Guid("01ee85ff-d7f3-494b-b1de-26ced8fbfa0d"),
IdCollaborateur = new Guid(),
DateCreation = DateTime.Now,
DateMiseAJour = DateTime.Now
/// <summary>
/// Insérer un jeu de données fictif pour les référents EP
/// </summary>
/// <param name="epContext"></param>
public static void AddRereferentEP(EpContext epContext)
ReferentEP referentEP;
referentEP = new ReferentEP()
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("842650db-a548-4472-a3af-4c5fff3c1ab8"),
IdReferent = new Guid("aa36f34c-9041-42f5-9db3-6536fe7f1696")
referentEP = new ReferentEP()
IdCollaborateur = new Guid(),
IdReferent = new Guid("aa36f34c-9041-42f5-9db3-6536fe7f1696")
referentEP = new ReferentEP()
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("17b87130-0e9d-4b78-b0e3-a11e5f70318d"),
IdReferent = new Guid("aa36f34c-9041-42f5-9db3-6536fe7f1696")
referentEP = new ReferentEP()
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("4f3fcd23-a1e4-4c9e-afa2-d06ca9216491"),
IdReferent = new Guid("01ee85ff-d7f3-494b-b1de-26ced8fbfa0d")
referentEP = new ReferentEP()
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("0968ccd3-1ef5-4041-83f3-1c76afb02bbf"),
IdReferent = new Guid("01ee85ff-d7f3-494b-b1de-26ced8fbfa0d")
referentEP = new ReferentEP()
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("1429be5b-9125-482c-80c4-c1d34afbd8d2"),
IdReferent = new Guid("e7820f92-eab1-42f5-ae96-5c16e71ff1e6")
referentEP = new ReferentEP()
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("13fbe621-1bc9-4f04-afde-b54ca076e239"),
IdReferent = new Guid("e7820f92-eab1-42f5-ae96-5c16e71ff1e6")
referentEP = new ReferentEP()
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("b5254c6c-7caa-435f-a4bb-e0cf92559832"),
IdReferent = new Guid("de98a866-736f-4295-a669-92a8694e2ee3")
referentEP = new ReferentEP()
IdCollaborateur = new Guid("17b87130-0e9d-4b78-b0e3-a11e5f70318d"),
IdReferent = new Guid("de98a866-736f-4295-a669-92a8694e2ee3")