@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ |
<app-nav-menu></app-nav-menu> |
<h1> Bonjour</h1> |
<home-assistante *ngIf="this.userRole == role.assistante"></home-assistante> |
<!-- |
<home-collaborateur *ngIf="this.userRole ==role.collaborateur"></home-collaborateur> |
<home-commercial *ngIf="this.userRole ==role.commercial"></home-commercial> |
<home-rh *ngIf="this.userRole ==role.rh"></home-rh> |
<home-rh *ngIf="this.userRole ==role.rh"></home-rh>--> |
@ -1 +1 @@ |
3.0.20 |
3.0.21 |
@ -1,15 +1,21 @@ |
export * from './collaborateurs.service'; |
import { CollaborateursService } from './collaborateurs.service'; |
export * from './demandesformation.service'; |
import { DemandesformationService } from './demandesformation.service'; |
export * from './demandesDelegation.service'; |
import { DemandesDelegationService } from './demandesDelegation.service'; |
export * from './demandesEPI.service'; |
import { DemandesEPIService } from './demandesEPI.service'; |
export * from './demandesFormation.service'; |
import { DemandesFormationService } from './demandesFormation.service'; |
export * from './engagements.service'; |
import { EngagementsService } from './engagements.service'; |
export * from './ep.service'; |
import { EpService } from './ep.service'; |
export * from './formations.service'; |
import { FormationsService } from './formations.service'; |
export * from './notes.service'; |
import { NotesService } from './notes.service'; |
export * from './participationsFormations.service'; |
import { ParticipationsFormationsService } from './participationsFormations.service'; |
export * from './referents.service'; |
import { ReferentsService } from './referents.service'; |
export const APIS = [CollaborateursService, DemandesformationService, EngagementsService, EpService, FormationsService, ParticipationsFormationsService, ReferentsService]; |
export const APIS = [CollaborateursService, DemandesDelegationService, DemandesEPIService, DemandesFormationService, EngagementsService, EpService, FormationsService, NotesService, ParticipationsFormationsService, ReferentsService]; |
@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core'; |
import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams, |
HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http'; |
import { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder'; |
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; |
import { CreationDemandeDelegationDTO } from '../model/creationDemandeDelegationDTO'; |
import { DemandeDelegationDTO } from '../model/demandeDelegationDTO'; |
import { ErreurDTO } from '../model/erreurDTO'; |
import { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables'; |
import { Configuration } from '../configuration'; |
@Injectable() |
export class DemandesDelegationService { |
protected basePath = 'http://localhost:3000/api'; |
public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); |
public configuration = new Configuration(); |
constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) { |
if (basePath) { |
this.basePath = basePath; |
} |
if (configuration) { |
this.configuration = configuration; |
this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath; |
} |
} |
/** |
* @param consumes string[] mime-types |
* @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise |
*/ |
private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean { |
const form = 'multipart/form-data'; |
for (const consume of consumes) { |
if (form === consume) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
/** |
* Faire une demande de délégation à une autre personne |
* @param idCollaborateur id collaborateur |
* @param idEP id EP |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public faireDemandeDelegation(idCollaborateur: string, idEP: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<any>; |
public faireDemandeDelegation(idCollaborateur: string, idEP: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<any>>; |
public faireDemandeDelegation(idCollaborateur: string, idEP: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>; |
public faireDemandeDelegation(idCollaborateur: string, idEP: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (idCollaborateur === null || idCollaborateur === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idCollaborateur was null or undefined when calling faireDemandeDelegation.'); |
} |
if (idEP === null || idEP === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idEP was null or undefined when calling faireDemandeDelegation.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<any>('get',`${this.basePath}/demandesdelegation/ep/${encodeURIComponent(String(idEP))}/${encodeURIComponent(String(idCollaborateur))}`, |
{ |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Récupération de la liste des demandes de délégation |
* @param asc Préciser si les données sont dans l'ordre (true) ou dans l'ordre inverse (false) |
* @param idCollaborateur id collaborateur |
* @param numPage Numéro de la page du tableau qui affiche les données |
* @param parPAge Nombre d'éléments affiché sur chaque page du tableau |
* @param fonctions Liste des fonctions des collaborateurs que l'on veut récupérer |
* @param texte Texte permettant d'identifier l'objet rechercher |
* @param tri Colonne du tableau sur lequel le tri s'effectue |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public getDemandesDelegation(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<Array<DemandeDelegationDTO>>; |
public getDemandesDelegation(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<Array<DemandeDelegationDTO>>>; |
public getDemandesDelegation(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<Array<DemandeDelegationDTO>>>; |
public getDemandesDelegation(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (asc === null || asc === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter asc was null or undefined when calling getDemandesDelegation.'); |
} |
if (idCollaborateur === null || idCollaborateur === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idCollaborateur was null or undefined when calling getDemandesDelegation.'); |
} |
if (numPage === null || numPage === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter numPage was null or undefined when calling getDemandesDelegation.'); |
} |
if (parPAge === null || parPAge === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter parPAge was null or undefined when calling getDemandesDelegation.'); |
} |
let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()}); |
if (asc !== undefined && asc !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('asc', <any>asc); |
} |
if (fonctions) { |
fonctions.forEach((element) => { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.append('fonctions', <any>element); |
}) |
} |
if (numPage !== undefined && numPage !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('numPage', <any>numPage); |
} |
if (parPAge !== undefined && parPAge !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('parPAge', <any>parPAge); |
} |
if (texte !== undefined && texte !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('texte', <any>texte); |
} |
if (tri !== undefined && tri !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('tri', <any>tri); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<Array<DemandeDelegationDTO>>('get',`${this.basePath}/demandesdelegation/${encodeURIComponent(String(idCollaborateur))}`, |
{ |
params: queryParameters, |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Faire une demande de délégation à une autre personne |
* @param body
* @param idDemandeDelegation id demande delegation |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public repondreDemandeDelegation(body: CreationDemandeDelegationDTO, idDemandeDelegation: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<any>; |
public repondreDemandeDelegation(body: CreationDemandeDelegationDTO, idDemandeDelegation: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<any>>; |
public repondreDemandeDelegation(body: CreationDemandeDelegationDTO, idDemandeDelegation: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>; |
public repondreDemandeDelegation(body: CreationDemandeDelegationDTO, idDemandeDelegation: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (body === null || body === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter body was null or undefined when calling repondreDemandeDelegation.'); |
} |
if (idDemandeDelegation === null || idDemandeDelegation === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idDemandeDelegation was null or undefined when calling repondreDemandeDelegation.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes); |
if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected); |
} |
return this.httpClient.request<any>('put',`${this.basePath}/demandesdelegation/${encodeURIComponent(String(idDemandeDelegation))}/repondre`, |
{ |
body: body, |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,547 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core'; |
import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams, |
HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http'; |
import { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder'; |
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; |
import { DemandeEPIDTO } from '../model/demandeEPIDTO'; |
import { ErreurDTO } from '../model/erreurDTO'; |
import { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables'; |
import { Configuration } from '../configuration'; |
@Injectable() |
export class DemandesEPIService { |
protected basePath = 'http://localhost:3000/api'; |
public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); |
public configuration = new Configuration(); |
constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) { |
if (basePath) { |
this.basePath = basePath; |
} |
if (configuration) { |
this.configuration = configuration; |
this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath; |
} |
} |
/** |
* @param consumes string[] mime-types |
* @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise |
*/ |
private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean { |
const form = 'multipart/form-data'; |
for (const consume of consumes) { |
if (form === consume) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
/** |
* Annuler la demande d'EPI |
* @param idDemandeEPI id demande EPI |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public annulerDemandeEPI(idDemandeEPI: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<any>; |
public annulerDemandeEPI(idDemandeEPI: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<any>>; |
public annulerDemandeEPI(idDemandeEPI: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>; |
public annulerDemandeEPI(idDemandeEPI: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (idDemandeEPI === null || idDemandeEPI === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idDemandeEPI was null or undefined when calling annulerDemandeEPI.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<any>('get',`${this.basePath}/demandesepi/${encodeURIComponent(String(idDemandeEPI))}/annuler`, |
{ |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Lancer la procedure pour un entretien professionnel intermediaire, une demande d'EPI validée est créé par la même occasion |
* @param idCollaborateur id collaborateur |
* @param idReferent id referent |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public createEPI(idCollaborateur: string, idReferent: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<any>; |
public createEPI(idCollaborateur: string, idReferent: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<any>>; |
public createEPI(idCollaborateur: string, idReferent: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>; |
public createEPI(idCollaborateur: string, idReferent: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (idCollaborateur === null || idCollaborateur === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idCollaborateur was null or undefined when calling createEPI.'); |
} |
if (idReferent === null || idReferent === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idReferent was null or undefined when calling createEPI.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<any>('get',`${this.basePath}/demandesepi/referent/${encodeURIComponent(String(idReferent))}/demande/${encodeURIComponent(String(idCollaborateur))}`, |
{ |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Demande d'EPI par un collaborateur |
* @param idCollaborateur id collaborateur |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public demandeEPI(idCollaborateur: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<any>; |
public demandeEPI(idCollaborateur: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<any>>; |
public demandeEPI(idCollaborateur: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>; |
public demandeEPI(idCollaborateur: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (idCollaborateur === null || idCollaborateur === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idCollaborateur was null or undefined when calling demandeEPI.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<any>('get',`${this.basePath}/demandesepi/collaborateur/${encodeURIComponent(String(idCollaborateur))}/demande`, |
{ |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Demande d'EPI et par l'assistant et création automatique de l'EPI |
* @param idCollaborateur id collaborateur |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public demandeEPIAssistante(idCollaborateur: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<any>; |
public demandeEPIAssistante(idCollaborateur: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<any>>; |
public demandeEPIAssistante(idCollaborateur: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>; |
public demandeEPIAssistante(idCollaborateur: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (idCollaborateur === null || idCollaborateur === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idCollaborateur was null or undefined when calling demandeEPIAssistante.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<any>('get',`${this.basePath}/demandesepi/demandeassistante/${encodeURIComponent(String(idCollaborateur))}`, |
{ |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Récupération de la liste des demandes EPI d'un collaborateur |
* @param asc Préciser si les données sont dans l'ordre (true) ou dans l'ordre inverse (false) |
* @param idCollaborateur id collaborateur |
* @param numPage Numéro de la page du tableau qui affiche les données |
* @param parPAge Nombre d'éléments affiché sur chaque page du tableau |
* @param fonctions Liste des fonctions des collaborateurs que l'on veut récupérer |
* @param texte Texte permettant d'identifier l'objet rechercher |
* @param tri Colonne du tableau sur lequel le tri s'effectue |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public getDemandeEPICollaborateur(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<Array<DemandeEPIDTO>>; |
public getDemandeEPICollaborateur(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<Array<DemandeEPIDTO>>>; |
public getDemandeEPICollaborateur(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<Array<DemandeEPIDTO>>>; |
public getDemandeEPICollaborateur(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (asc === null || asc === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter asc was null or undefined when calling getDemandeEPICollaborateur.'); |
} |
if (idCollaborateur === null || idCollaborateur === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idCollaborateur was null or undefined when calling getDemandeEPICollaborateur.'); |
} |
if (numPage === null || numPage === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter numPage was null or undefined when calling getDemandeEPICollaborateur.'); |
} |
if (parPAge === null || parPAge === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter parPAge was null or undefined when calling getDemandeEPICollaborateur.'); |
} |
let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()}); |
if (asc !== undefined && asc !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('asc', <any>asc); |
} |
if (fonctions) { |
fonctions.forEach((element) => { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.append('fonctions', <any>element); |
}) |
} |
if (numPage !== undefined && numPage !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('numPage', <any>numPage); |
} |
if (parPAge !== undefined && parPAge !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('parPAge', <any>parPAge); |
} |
if (texte !== undefined && texte !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('texte', <any>texte); |
} |
if (tri !== undefined && tri !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('tri', <any>tri); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<Array<DemandeEPIDTO>>('get',`${this.basePath}/demandesepi/collaborateur/${encodeURIComponent(String(idCollaborateur))}`, |
{ |
params: queryParameters, |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Récupération de l'EPI en cours d'un collaborateur |
* @param idCollaborateur id collaborateur |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public getDemandeEPIEnCours(idCollaborateur: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<DemandeEPIDTO>; |
public getDemandeEPIEnCours(idCollaborateur: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<DemandeEPIDTO>>; |
public getDemandeEPIEnCours(idCollaborateur: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<DemandeEPIDTO>>; |
public getDemandeEPIEnCours(idCollaborateur: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (idCollaborateur === null || idCollaborateur === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idCollaborateur was null or undefined when calling getDemandeEPIEnCours.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<DemandeEPIDTO>('get',`${this.basePath}/demandesepi/collaborateur/${encodeURIComponent(String(idCollaborateur))}/enCours`, |
{ |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Récupération de la liste des demandes EPI d'un referent |
* @param asc Préciser si les données sont dans l'ordre (true) ou dans l'ordre inverse (false) |
* @param idReferent id referent |
* @param numPage Numéro de la page du tableau qui affiche les données |
* @param parPAge Nombre d'éléments affiché sur chaque page du tableau |
* @param fonctions Liste des fonctions des collaborateurs que l'on veut récupérer |
* @param texte Texte permettant d'identifier l'objet rechercher |
* @param tri Colonne du tableau sur lequel le tri s'effectue |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public getDemandeEPIReferent(asc: boolean, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<Array<DemandeEPIDTO>>; |
public getDemandeEPIReferent(asc: boolean, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<Array<DemandeEPIDTO>>>; |
public getDemandeEPIReferent(asc: boolean, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<Array<DemandeEPIDTO>>>; |
public getDemandeEPIReferent(asc: boolean, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, fonctions?: Array<string>, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (asc === null || asc === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter asc was null or undefined when calling getDemandeEPIReferent.'); |
} |
if (idReferent === null || idReferent === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idReferent was null or undefined when calling getDemandeEPIReferent.'); |
} |
if (numPage === null || numPage === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter numPage was null or undefined when calling getDemandeEPIReferent.'); |
} |
if (parPAge === null || parPAge === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter parPAge was null or undefined when calling getDemandeEPIReferent.'); |
} |
let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()}); |
if (asc !== undefined && asc !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('asc', <any>asc); |
} |
if (fonctions) { |
fonctions.forEach((element) => { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.append('fonctions', <any>element); |
}) |
} |
if (numPage !== undefined && numPage !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('numPage', <any>numPage); |
} |
if (parPAge !== undefined && parPAge !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('parPAge', <any>parPAge); |
} |
if (texte !== undefined && texte !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('texte', <any>texte); |
} |
if (tri !== undefined && tri !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('tri', <any>tri); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<Array<DemandeEPIDTO>>('get',`${this.basePath}/demandesepi/referent/${encodeURIComponent(String(idReferent))}`, |
{ |
params: queryParameters, |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Répondre à une demande EPI en attente |
* @param body
* @param idDemandeEPI id demande EPI |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public repondreDemandeEPI(body: DemandeEPIDTO, idDemandeEPI: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<any>; |
public repondreDemandeEPI(body: DemandeEPIDTO, idDemandeEPI: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<any>>; |
public repondreDemandeEPI(body: DemandeEPIDTO, idDemandeEPI: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>; |
public repondreDemandeEPI(body: DemandeEPIDTO, idDemandeEPI: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (body === null || body === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter body was null or undefined when calling repondreDemandeEPI.'); |
} |
if (idDemandeEPI === null || idDemandeEPI === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idDemandeEPI was null or undefined when calling repondreDemandeEPI.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes); |
if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected); |
} |
return this.httpClient.request<any>('put',`${this.basePath}/demandesepi/${encodeURIComponent(String(idDemandeEPI))}/repondre`, |
{ |
body: body, |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,524 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*//* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable member-ordering */
import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core'; |
import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpParams, |
HttpResponse, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http'; |
import { CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec } from '../encoder'; |
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; |
import { AffichageNoteDTO } from '../model/affichageNoteDTO'; |
import { DetailsNoteDTO } from '../model/detailsNoteDTO'; |
import { ErreurDTO } from '../model/erreurDTO'; |
import { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS } from '../variables'; |
import { Configuration } from '../configuration'; |
@Injectable() |
export class NotesService { |
protected basePath = 'http://localhost:3000/api'; |
public defaultHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); |
public configuration = new Configuration(); |
constructor(protected httpClient: HttpClient, @Optional()@Inject(BASE_PATH) basePath: string, @Optional() configuration: Configuration) { |
if (basePath) { |
this.basePath = basePath; |
} |
if (configuration) { |
this.configuration = configuration; |
this.basePath = basePath || configuration.basePath || this.basePath; |
} |
} |
/** |
* @param consumes string[] mime-types |
* @return true: consumes contains 'multipart/form-data', false: otherwise |
*/ |
private canConsumeForm(consumes: string[]): boolean { |
const form = 'multipart/form-data'; |
for (const consume of consumes) { |
if (form === consume) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
/** |
* Supprimer une note |
* @param idNote id note |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public deleteNote(idNote: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<any>; |
public deleteNote(idNote: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<any>>; |
public deleteNote(idNote: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>; |
public deleteNote(idNote: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (idNote === null || idNote === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idNote was null or undefined when calling deleteNote.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<any>('delete',`${this.basePath}/notes/${encodeURIComponent(String(idNote))}/supprimer`, |
{ |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Récupérer une note par son id |
* @param idNote id note |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public getNoteById(idNote: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<DetailsNoteDTO>; |
public getNoteById(idNote: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<DetailsNoteDTO>>; |
public getNoteById(idNote: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<DetailsNoteDTO>>; |
public getNoteById(idNote: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (idNote === null || idNote === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idNote was null or undefined when calling getNoteById.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<DetailsNoteDTO>('get',`${this.basePath}/notes/${encodeURIComponent(String(idNote))}`, |
{ |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Récupérer toutes les notes |
* @param asc Préciser si les données sont dans l'ordre (true) ou dans l'ordre inverse (false) |
* @param numPage Numéro de la page du tableau qui affiche les données |
* @param parPAge Nombre d'éléments affiché sur chaque page du tableau |
* @param texte Texte permettant d'identifier l'objet rechercher |
* @param tri Colonne du tableau sur lequel le tri s'effectue |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public getNotes(asc: boolean, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>; |
public getNotes(asc: boolean, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>>; |
public getNotes(asc: boolean, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>>; |
public getNotes(asc: boolean, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (asc === null || asc === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter asc was null or undefined when calling getNotes.'); |
} |
if (numPage === null || numPage === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter numPage was null or undefined when calling getNotes.'); |
} |
if (parPAge === null || parPAge === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter parPAge was null or undefined when calling getNotes.'); |
} |
let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()}); |
if (asc !== undefined && asc !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('asc', <any>asc); |
} |
if (numPage !== undefined && numPage !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('numPage', <any>numPage); |
} |
if (parPAge !== undefined && parPAge !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('parPAge', <any>parPAge); |
} |
if (texte !== undefined && texte !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('texte', <any>texte); |
} |
if (tri !== undefined && tri !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('tri', <any>tri); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>('get',`${this.basePath}/notes/`, |
{ |
params: queryParameters, |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Récupérer les notes d'une personne a écrite |
* @param asc Préciser si les données sont dans l'ordre (true) ou dans l'ordre inverse (false) |
* @param idReferent id referent |
* @param numPage Numéro de la page du tableau qui affiche les données |
* @param parPAge Nombre d'éléments affiché sur chaque page du tableau |
* @param texte Texte permettant d'identifier l'objet rechercher |
* @param tri Colonne du tableau sur lequel le tri s'effectue |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public getNotesByAuteur(asc: boolean, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>; |
public getNotesByAuteur(asc: boolean, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>>; |
public getNotesByAuteur(asc: boolean, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>>; |
public getNotesByAuteur(asc: boolean, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (asc === null || asc === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter asc was null or undefined when calling getNotesByAuteur.'); |
} |
if (idReferent === null || idReferent === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idReferent was null or undefined when calling getNotesByAuteur.'); |
} |
if (numPage === null || numPage === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter numPage was null or undefined when calling getNotesByAuteur.'); |
} |
if (parPAge === null || parPAge === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter parPAge was null or undefined when calling getNotesByAuteur.'); |
} |
let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()}); |
if (asc !== undefined && asc !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('asc', <any>asc); |
} |
if (numPage !== undefined && numPage !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('numPage', <any>numPage); |
} |
if (parPAge !== undefined && parPAge !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('parPAge', <any>parPAge); |
} |
if (texte !== undefined && texte !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('texte', <any>texte); |
} |
if (tri !== undefined && tri !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('tri', <any>tri); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>('get',`${this.basePath}/notes/auteur/${encodeURIComponent(String(idReferent))}`, |
{ |
params: queryParameters, |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Récupérer une note par son id |
* @param asc Préciser si les données sont dans l'ordre (true) ou dans l'ordre inverse (false) |
* @param idCollaborateur id collaborateur |
* @param idReferent id referent |
* @param numPage Numéro de la page du tableau qui affiche les données |
* @param parPAge Nombre d'éléments affiché sur chaque page du tableau |
* @param texte Texte permettant d'identifier l'objet rechercher |
* @param tri Colonne du tableau sur lequel le tri s'effectue |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public getNotesByCollaborateur(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>; |
public getNotesByCollaborateur(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>>; |
public getNotesByCollaborateur(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>>; |
public getNotesByCollaborateur(asc: boolean, idCollaborateur: string, idReferent: string, numPage: number, parPAge: number, texte?: string, tri?: string, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (asc === null || asc === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter asc was null or undefined when calling getNotesByCollaborateur.'); |
} |
if (idCollaborateur === null || idCollaborateur === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idCollaborateur was null or undefined when calling getNotesByCollaborateur.'); |
} |
if (idReferent === null || idReferent === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idReferent was null or undefined when calling getNotesByCollaborateur.'); |
} |
if (numPage === null || numPage === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter numPage was null or undefined when calling getNotesByCollaborateur.'); |
} |
if (parPAge === null || parPAge === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter parPAge was null or undefined when calling getNotesByCollaborateur.'); |
} |
let queryParameters = new HttpParams({encoder: new CustomHttpUrlEncodingCodec()}); |
if (asc !== undefined && asc !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('asc', <any>asc); |
} |
if (numPage !== undefined && numPage !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('numPage', <any>numPage); |
} |
if (parPAge !== undefined && parPAge !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('parPAge', <any>parPAge); |
} |
if (texte !== undefined && texte !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('texte', <any>texte); |
} |
if (tri !== undefined && tri !== null) { |
queryParameters = queryParameters.set('tri', <any>tri); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
]; |
return this.httpClient.request<Array<AffichageNoteDTO>>('get',`${this.basePath}/notes/auteur/${encodeURIComponent(String(idReferent))}/collaborateur/${encodeURIComponent(String(idCollaborateur))}`, |
{ |
params: queryParameters, |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Ajouter une nouvelle note |
* @param body
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public nouvelleNote(body: DetailsNoteDTO, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<any>; |
public nouvelleNote(body: DetailsNoteDTO, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<any>>; |
public nouvelleNote(body: DetailsNoteDTO, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>; |
public nouvelleNote(body: DetailsNoteDTO, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (body === null || body === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter body was null or undefined when calling nouvelleNote.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes); |
if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected); |
} |
return this.httpClient.request<any>('post',`${this.basePath}/notes/nouvellenote`, |
{ |
body: body, |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
/** |
* Mettre à jour une note |
* @param body
* @param idNote id note |
* @param observe set whether or not to return the data Observable as the body, response or events. defaults to returning the body. |
* @param reportProgress flag to report request and response progress. |
*/ |
public updateNote(body: DetailsNoteDTO, idNote: number, observe?: 'body', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<any>; |
public updateNote(body: DetailsNoteDTO, idNote: number, observe?: 'response', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpResponse<any>>; |
public updateNote(body: DetailsNoteDTO, idNote: number, observe?: 'events', reportProgress?: boolean): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>; |
public updateNote(body: DetailsNoteDTO, idNote: number, observe: any = 'body', reportProgress: boolean = false ): Observable<any> { |
if (body === null || body === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter body was null or undefined when calling updateNote.'); |
} |
if (idNote === null || idNote === undefined) { |
throw new Error('Required parameter idNote was null or undefined when calling updateNote.'); |
} |
let headers = this.defaultHeaders; |
// authentication (bearerAuth) required
if (this.configuration.accessToken) { |
const accessToken = typeof this.configuration.accessToken === 'function' |
? this.configuration.accessToken() |
: this.configuration.accessToken; |
headers = headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); |
} |
// to determine the Accept header
let httpHeaderAccepts: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpHeaderAcceptSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderAccept(httpHeaderAccepts); |
if (httpHeaderAcceptSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Accept', httpHeaderAcceptSelected); |
} |
// to determine the Content-Type header
const consumes: string[] = [ |
'application/json' |
]; |
const httpContentTypeSelected: string | undefined = this.configuration.selectHeaderContentType(consumes); |
if (httpContentTypeSelected != undefined) { |
headers = headers.set('Content-Type', httpContentTypeSelected); |
} |
return this.httpClient.request<any>('put',`${this.basePath}/notes/${encodeURIComponent(String(idNote))}/updateNote`, |
{ |
body: body, |
withCredentials: this.configuration.withCredentials, |
headers: headers, |
observe: observe, |
reportProgress: reportProgress |
} |
); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
/** |
* Note affiché dans un tableau |
*/ |
export interface AffichageNoteDTO {
id: number; |
titre: string; |
idCollaborateur?: string; |
collaborateur: string; |
dateMiseAjour?: Date; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
/** |
* Demande d'augmentation du salaire du collaborateur |
*/ |
export interface AugmentationSalaireDTO {
id: number; |
augmentation: number; |
primeMission?: number; |
message?: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { BusinessUnitDTO } from './businessUnitDTO'; |
import { ReferentDTO } from './referentDTO'; |
/** |
* Les informations d'un collaborateur |
*/ |
export interface CollaborateurDTO {
id: string; |
nom: string; |
prenom: string; |
mailApside: string; |
dateArrivee: Date; |
dateDepart?: Date; |
businessUnit?: BusinessUnitDTO; |
referent?: ReferentDTO; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { CollaborateurDTO } from './collaborateurDTO'; |
/** |
* Objet à envoyer lorsqu'un référent fait une demande de délégation |
*/ |
export interface CreationDemandeDelegationDTO {
idEp?: number; |
idReferent?: CollaborateurDTO; |
raisonDemande: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
/** |
* Objet à envoyer lors d'une demande de formation |
*/ |
export interface CreationDemandeFormationDTO {
id: number; |
libelle: string; |
description: string; |
theme: number; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { EpInformationDTO } from './epInformationDTO'; |
/** |
* Demande d'EPI faite par un collaborateur |
*/ |
export interface DemandeEPIDTO {
id: number; |
idCollaborateur: string; |
idReferent: string; |
dateDemande: Date; |
etat?: number; |
reponse?: boolean; |
dateReponse?: Date; |
raisonRefus?: string; |
ep?: EpInformationDTO; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { AugmentationSalaireDTO } from './augmentationSalaireDTO'; |
import { CollaborateurDTO } from './collaborateurDTO'; |
import { DemandeDelegationDTO } from './demandeDelegationDTO'; |
import { DemandeFormationDTO } from './demandeFormationDTO'; |
import { DocumentDTO } from './documentDTO'; |
import { EngagementDTO } from './engagementDTO'; |
import { ObjectifDTO } from './objectifDTO'; |
import { ObjectifPrecedentDTO } from './objectifPrecedentDTO'; |
import { ParticipationEPDTO } from './participationEPDTO'; |
import { RDVEntretienDTO } from './rDVEntretienDTO'; |
import { ReferentDTO } from './referentDTO'; |
import { TypeEntretienDTO } from './typeEntretienDTO'; |
/** |
* Tous les détails d'un EP lorsqu'il est consulté |
*/ |
export interface EpDTO { |
id: number; |
type: string; |
dateDisponibilite: Date; |
datePrevisionnelle: Date; |
dateSaisie?: Date; |
statut: number; |
cv: string; |
propositionsEntretien?: Array<RDVEntretienDTO>; |
rdvEntretien?: RDVEntretienDTO; |
choixTypeEntretien?: TypeEntretienDTO; |
obligatoire: boolean; |
objectif?: Array<ObjectifDTO>; |
objectifPrecedent?: Array<ObjectifPrecedentDTO>; |
commentaireAssistant?: string; |
commentaireCommercial?: string; |
collaborateur: CollaborateurDTO; |
referent: ReferentDTO; |
demandesFormation?: Array<DemandeFormationDTO>; |
participants?: Array<ParticipationEPDTO>; |
engagements?: Array<EngagementDTO>; |
augmentationSalaire?: AugmentationSalaireDTO; |
demandesDelegation?: Array<DemandeDelegationDTO>; |
documents: Array<DocumentDTO>; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { CollaborateurDTO } from './collaborateurDTO'; |
import { ReferentDTO } from './ReferentDTO'; |
/** |
* Les informations de base d'un EP |
*/ |
export interface EpInformationDTO { |
id: number; |
type: number; |
statut: number; |
dateDisponibilite: Date; |
datePrevisionnelle: Date; |
obligatoire: boolean; |
collaborateur: CollaborateurDTO; |
referent: ReferentDTO; |
} |
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.2.0 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { AugmentationSalaireModel } from './augmentationSalaireModel'; |
import { AutorisationModel } from './autorisationModel'; |
import { CollaborateurModel } from './collaborateurModel'; |
import { DemandeDelegationModel } from './demandeDelegationModel'; |
import { DemandeFormationModel } from './demandeFormationModel'; |
import { DocumentModel } from './documentModel'; |
import { EngagementModel } from './engagementModel'; |
import { RDVEntretienModel } from './rDVEntretienModel'; |
export interface EpModel {
id: number; |
type: string; |
dateCreation: Date; |
dateDisponibilite: Date; |
datePrevisionnelle: Date; |
dateSaisie?: Date; |
etat: number; |
cv?: string; |
dateEntretien?: Date; |
typeEntretien?: string; |
obligatoire: boolean; |
commentaireAssistant?: string; |
commentaireCollaborateur?: string; |
commentaireCommercial?: string; |
collaborateur: CollaborateurModel; |
referent?: CollaborateurModel; |
demandesFormation?: Array<DemandeFormationModel>; |
participants?: Array<CollaborateurModel>; |
engagements?: Array<EngagementModel>; |
propositionsRDV?: Array<RDVEntretienModel>; |
augmentationSalaire?: AugmentationSalaireModel; |
autorisations?: Array<AutorisationModel>; |
demandesDelegation?: Array<DemandeDelegationModel>; |
documents: Array<DocumentModel>; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { DocumentDTO } from './documentDTO'; |
import { ObjectifDTO } from './objectifDTO'; |
import { ObjectifPrecedentDTO } from './objectifPrecedentDTO'; |
import { TypeEntretienDTO } from './typeEntretienDTO'; |
/** |
* Objet de l'EP au moment de la saisie du collaborateur |
*/ |
export interface EpSaisieDTO {
id: number; |
type: string; |
datePrevisionnelle: Date; |
cv?: string; |
choixEntretien?: TypeEntretienDTO; |
obligatoire: boolean; |
objectif?: Array<ObjectifDTO>; |
objectifPrecedent?: Array<ObjectifPrecedentDTO>; |
documents: Array<DocumentDTO>; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { SaisieDTO } from './saisieDTO'; |
/** |
* Evaluation d'une participation formation |
*/ |
export interface EvaluationDTO {
idParticipation: number; |
saisies: Array<SaisieDTO>; |
} |
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.0 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { CritereModel } from './critereModel'; |
export interface EvaluationFormationModel {
id: number; |
note?: number; |
commentaire?: string; |
critere: CritereModel; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { FormationDTOParticipantsFormation } from './formationDTOParticipantsFormation'; |
import { ModeFormationDTO } from './modeFormationDTO'; |
import { OrigineFormationDTO } from './origineFormationDTO'; |
import { StatutFormationDTO } from './statutFormationDTO'; |
import { TypeFormationDTO } from './typeFormationDTO'; |
/** |
* Toutes les informations d'une formation |
*/ |
export interface FormationDTO {
id: number; |
intitule: string; |
origine: OrigineFormationDTO; |
statut?: StatutFormationDTO; |
idAgence?: number; |
dateDebut: Date; |
dateFin: Date; |
heure: number; |
jour: number; |
organisme: string; |
mode: ModeFormationDTO; |
type: TypeFormationDTO; |
estCertifie: boolean; |
participantsFormation?: Array<FormationDTOParticipantsFormation>; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
export interface FormationDTOParticipantsFormation {
id: number; |
dateCreation: Date; |
formation: string; |
date?: Date; |
statut?: string; |
idCollaborateur?: string; |
collaborateur?: string; |
estEvaluee: boolean; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { ModeFormationDTO } from './modeFormationDTO'; |
import { StatutFormationDTO } from './statutFormationDTO'; |
import { TypeFormationDTO } from './typeFormationDTO'; |
/** |
* Les détails d'une formation |
*/ |
export interface FormationDetailsDTO {
id?: number; |
intitule: string; |
statut?: StatutFormationDTO; |
dateDebut: Date; |
dateFin: Date; |
nbPartitipants: number; |
mode: ModeFormationDTO; |
type: TypeFormationDTO; |
estCertifie: boolean; |
} |
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.2.0 |
* |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { ParticipationFormationModel } from './participationFormationModel'; |
export interface FormationModel { |
id: number; |
intitule: string; |
origine?: string; |
statut?: FormationModel.StatutEnum; |
dateDebut: Date; |
dateFin: Date; |
heure: number; |
jour: number; |
organisme: string; |
mode: string; |
type: FormationModel.TypeEnum; |
estCertifie: boolean; |
participantsFormation?: Array<ParticipationFormationModel>; |
} |
export namespace FormationModel { |
export type StatutEnum = 'Planifiée' | 'Replanifiée' | 'Réalisée' | 'Annulée'; |
export const StatutEnum = { |
Planifie: 'Planifiée' as StatutEnum, |
Replanifie: 'Replanifiée' as StatutEnum, |
Realise: 'Réalisée' as StatutEnum, |
Annule: 'Annulée' as StatutEnum |
}; |
export type ModeEnum = 'Présentiel' | 'Visioconférence'; |
export const ModeEnum = { |
Presentiel: 'Présentiel' as ModeEnum, |
Visioconference: 'Visioconférence' as ModeEnum |
}; |
export type TypeEnum = 'Externe' | 'Interne'; |
export const TypeEnum = { |
Externe: 'Externe' as TypeEnum, |
Interne: 'Interne' as TypeEnum |
}; |
} |
@ -1,24 +1,37 @@ |
export * from './agenceModel'; |
export * from './augmentationSalaireModel'; |
export * from './autorisationModel'; |
export * from './businessUnitModel'; |
export * from './champModel'; |
export * from './collaborateurModel'; |
export * from './demandeDelegationModel'; |
export * from './demandeFormationModel'; |
export * from './documentModel'; |
export * from './engagementModel'; |
export * from './epModel'; |
export * from './erreurModel'; |
export * from './formationModel'; |
export * from './participationEPModel'; |
export * from './participationFormationModel'; |
export * from './rDVEntretienModel'; |
export * from './saisieBoolTexteModel'; |
export * from './saisieDeuxTextesModel'; |
export * from './saisieModel'; |
export * from './saisieNoteTexteModel'; |
export * from './saisieObjectifsModel'; |
export * from './saisieUnBoolModel'; |
export * from './saisieUnTexteModel'; |
export * from './themeModel'; |
export * from './affichageNoteDTO'; |
export * from './agenceDTO'; |
export * from './augmentationSalaireDTO'; |
export * from './businessUnitDTO'; |
export * from './champDTO'; |
export * from './collaborateurDTO'; |
export * from './creationDemandeDelegationDTO'; |
export * from './creationDemandeFormationDTO'; |
export * from './demandeDelegationDTO'; |
export * from './demandeEPIDTO'; |
export * from './demandeFormationDTO'; |
export * from './detailsNoteDTO'; |
export * from './documentDTO'; |
export * from './engagementDTO'; |
export * from './epDTO'; |
export * from './epInformationDTO'; |
export * from './epSaisieDTO'; |
export * from './erreurDTO'; |
export * from './evaluationDTO'; |
export * from './formationDTO'; |
export * from './formationDTOParticipantsFormation'; |
export * from './formationDetailsDTO'; |
export * from './modeFormationDTO'; |
export * from './objectifDTO'; |
export * from './objectifPrecedentDTO'; |
export * from './origineDemandeFormationDTO'; |
export * from './origineFormationDTO'; |
export * from './participationEPDTO'; |
export * from './participationFormationDTO'; |
export * from './prochainEPDTO'; |
export * from './rDVEntretienDTO'; |
export * from './referentDTO'; |
export * from './saisieDTO'; |
export * from './statutFormationDTO'; |
export * from './themeDTO'; |
export * from './typeEntretienDTO'; |
export * from './typeFormationDTO'; |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
/** |
* Les objectifs pris par le collaborateur durant le précédent EP |
*/ |
export interface ObjectifPrecedentDTO {
id: number; |
libelle: string; |
atteint: boolean; |
commentaire: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
/** |
* Information des participants d'un EP (autre que le référent et le collaborateur) |
*/ |
export interface ParticipationEPDTO {
id: number; |
idCollaborateur: string; |
collaborateur: string; |
} |
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.2.0 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { CollaborateurModel } from './collaborateurModel'; |
import { EpModel } from './epModel'; |
export interface ParticipationEPModel {
id: number; |
collaborateur: CollaborateurModel; |
ep: EpModel; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
export interface ParticipationFormationDTO {
id: number; |
dateCreation: Date; |
formation: string; |
date?: Date; |
statut?: string; |
idCollaborateur?: string; |
collaborateur?: string; |
estEvaluee: boolean; |
} |
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.2.0 |
* |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { DemandeFormationModel } from './demandeFormationModel'; |
import { FormationModel } from './formationModel'; |
import { SaisieModel } from './saisieModel'; |
export interface ParticipationFormationModel { |
id: number; |
dateCreation: Date; |
estEvaluee: boolean; |
formation: FormationModel; |
demandeformation: DemandeFormationModel; |
evaluations?: Array<SaisieModel>; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
/** |
* Objet contenant les détails du prochain EP non saisi du collaborateur |
*/ |
export interface ProchainEPDTO {
id: number; |
type: number; |
dateDisponibilite: Date; |
datePrevisionnelle: Date; |
obligatoire: boolean; |
} |
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.2.0 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { ChampModel } from './champModel'; |
import { ParticipationFormationModel } from './participationFormationModel'; |
import { SaisieModel } from './saisieModel'; |
export interface SaisieDeuxTextesModel extends SaisieModel {
texte1: string; |
texte2: string; |
} |
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.2.0 |
* |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { ChampModel } from './champModel'; |
import { ParticipationFormationModel } from './participationFormationModel'; |
export interface SaisieModel { |
id: string; |
type: string; |
champ: ChampModel; |
participationFormation?: ParticipationFormationModel; |
} |
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.2.0 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { ChampModel } from './champModel'; |
import { ParticipationFormationModel } from './participationFormationModel'; |
import { SaisieModel } from './saisieModel'; |
export interface SaisieObjectifsModel extends SaisieModel {
objectif1: string; |
objectif2?: string; |
objectif3?: string; |
} |
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.2.0 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { ChampModel } from './champModel'; |
import { ParticipationFormationModel } from './participationFormationModel'; |
import { SaisieModel } from './saisieModel'; |
export interface SaisieUnBoolModel extends SaisieModel {
bool: boolean; |
} |
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.2.0 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { ChampModel } from './champModel'; |
import { ParticipationFormationModel } from './participationFormationModel'; |
import { SaisieModel } from './saisieModel'; |
export interface SaisieUnTexteModel extends SaisieModel {
texte: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
/** |
* Statut actuel d'une formation |
*/ |
export interface StatutFormationDTO {
id: number; |
libelle: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
import { DemandeFormationDTO } from './demandeFormationDTO'; |
/** |
* Thème d'une demande de formation |
*/ |
export interface ThemeDTO {
id: number; |
nom: string; |
demandesFormation: Array<DemandeFormationDTO>; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
/** |
* Type de l'entretien d'un EP |
*/ |
export interface TypeEntretienDTO {
id: number; |
libelle: string; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
/** |
* API du serveur de l'application de digitalisation des EP |
* API qui sra utilisée afin de faire communiquer le client et le serveur ainsi que le serveur et la boîte noire. |
* |
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.3.5 |
* |
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. |
* Do not edit the class manually. |
*/ |
/** |
* Type d'une formation |
*/ |
export interface TypeFormationDTO {
id: number; |
libelle: string; |
} |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
export class DisplayCollaborateur { |
id: string; |
agence: string; |
nom: string; |
prenom: string; |
embauche : Date; |
anciennete : number; |
annee: number; |
mois: number; |
} |
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* Class pour récupérer les informations d'un EP qui seront affichées et/ou utilisées. |
*/ |
import {CollaborateurModel} from "../api-swagger/model/collaborateurModel"; |
export class DisplayEP { |
id : number; |
agence : string; |
collaborateur : CollaborateurModel; |
referent : CollaborateurModel; |
type : string; |
etat : number; |
datemail : Date; |
dateentretien : Date; |
anciennete : number; |
annee: number; |
mois: number; |
} |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
import { FormationModel } from "@shared/api-swagger/model/models"; |
export class DisplayFormation { |
id: number; |
intitule: string; |
nbParticipants : number; |
datePrevu: Date; |
origine : string; |
statut: FormationModel.StatutEnum; |
} |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
import { CollaborateurModel, EpModel, FormationModel } from "@shared/api-swagger/model/models"; |
export class DisplayParticipation { |
id: number; |
intitule: string; |
agence: string; |
collaborateur: string; |
idCollaborateur: string; |
idEP: number; |
estEvaluee: boolean; |
statutEP : number; |
dateCreation: Date; |
formation: FormationModel; |
} |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
export * from "./displayEP"; |
export * from "./displayCollaborateur"; |
export * from "./displayFormation"; |
export * from "./displayParticipation"; |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
//avoir des tableau en fait qui vont nous retourner les types des trucs en fait LOOL WOLA
Reference in new issue