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using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
namespace AssistDB
public partial class Splash : Form
public Splash()
//Delegate for cross thread call to close
private delegate void CloseDelegate();
//The type of form to be displayed as the splash screen.
private static Splash splashForm;
static public void ShowSplashScreen(Point point, int height, int width)
// Make sure it is only launched once.
if (splashForm != null) return;
splashForm = new Splash();
splashForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
splashForm.Location = new Point(width / 2 - splashForm.Width / 2 + point.X,
height / 2 - splashForm.Height / 2 + point.Y); ;
Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Splash.ShowForm));
thread.IsBackground = true;
static private void ShowForm()
if (splashForm != null) Application.Run(splashForm);
static public void CloseForm()
splashForm?.Invoke(new CloseDelegate(Splash.CloseFormInternal));
static private void CloseFormInternal()
if (splashForm != null)
splashForm = null;